Any of several plants of the genus Camassia in the lily family, especially C.quamash of western North america, having grasslike leaves, a raceme of blue flowers, and a bulb that was an important food for various Native American peoples. 卡马夏一种百合科卡马夏属的植物,特别是生长在北美洲西部的卡马夏,长有草状叶子、由蓝色花朵组成的总状花序以及一种作为各种美洲土著人重要食物的球茎。
Small genus of North American herbs having grasslike basal leaves: squaw_grass; sometimes placed in family melanthiaceae. 有草状基叶的北美草本植物小属;旱叶草。
Either of two herbaceous rushlike bog plants having small yellow flowers and grasslike leaves; north temperate regions. 两种类似灯芯草的沼生植物的任意一种,具有小的黄色花和草状叶;生长于北温带。
Covered with sedges ( grasslike marsh plants). 被莎草所覆盖(像草一样的沼泽植物)。
Any of numerous low-growing plants of the genus Crocus having slender grasslike leaves and white or yellow or purple flowers; native chiefly to the Mediterranean region but widely cultivated. 臧红花属中众多的缓慢生长的植物中的任何一种,具有细长的线形叶和白色、黄色或紫色的花;主要产于地中海地区。
Prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers; clogs waterways with dense floating masses. 有生殖力的南美洲水生野草,有类似草的叶子和白色穗状花序;大量漂浮阻塞水道。
Asiatic perennial tufted herb with grasslike evergreen foliage and clusters of dark mauve grapelike flowers; grown as ground cover. 欧亚的一种簇生的多年生草本植物,叶常绿、草状,花簇生、紫红色;作为一种地被植物。
Any of several perennials of the genus Aletris having grasslike leaves and bitter roots reputed to cure colic. 粉条儿菜属的几种多年生植物的任何一种,具有草状的叶和苦的根,其根通常用来治疗腹痛。
Any of various perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Crocus, having grasslike leaves and showy, variously colored flowers. 藏红花任一种产于欧亚大陆的藏红花属草本植物,生有禾草状的细长叶子,开绚丽多彩的花朵。
Land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows. 长有草或类似草的植被的土地。
Luch ó g pulled out a leather pouch hanging from a cord around his neck, first producing a tiny paper and then a fat pinch of dried and brown grasslike fibers that looked like tobacco. 鲁契克拉出用绳子挂在他脖子上的革袋,先拿出一张小纸片,然后是一大撮干燥的、晒黑了的草叶样纤维,看上去像是烟叶。
Plant of western North America having grasslike leaves and greenish-white flowers. 北美西部的一种植物,具有草状叶和微绿色花。