I shall try and document the trip so as to share with you this extraordinary experience, which gratifies me and fills me with pride. 我将尽量记录下这次的旅行,好与你们分享这次让我感到满足并让我自豪的特殊经历。
Firstly, we acknowledge that it really gratifies our strong desire to save time. 首先,我们承认它的确能满足我们对节约时间的强烈需求。
The ultimate dining experience, then creates a mood that stimulates and gratifies each of the senses. 终极的品尝食物的享受,应该是产生一个好气氛以刺激及满足每种官能感觉。
Humor can foster better communication and understanding, and therefore not only brings happiness to oneself, but also, and perhaps more importantly, gratifies others. 幽默能促进更好的沟通和理解,因而不仅把快乐带给自身,而且更重要的还能让别人感到高兴。幽默感确实能提高一个人受欢迎的程度。
It gratifies me to see that artists, like UNMASK, have always been maintaining the dignity and pride of mankind. 我很欣慰,像UNMASK这样的艺术家们都一直在用他们的作品不断维护着我们的尊严和骄傲。