He saw something written in black on the gravestones. 他看见墓碑上有一些黑字写的东西。
the moss-covered, topsy-turvy gravestones. 长满苔藓、东倒西歪的墓碑
You'll pass the churchyard, Mr Lockwood, on your way back to the Grange, and you'll see the three gravestones close to the moor. 您回画眉山庄的路上会经过教堂墓地,洛克伍德先生,您可以看见靠近荒原的三个墓碑。
QR codes have been used in advertisements for years, and a handful of American funeral homes began attaching them to gravestones in early 2011. This appears to be the first time they have been placed on gravestones in the United Kingdom. 二维码已经在广告行业应用多年,2011年早些时候,几个美国的殡仪馆开始在墓碑上使用它,这也是二维码首次使用在英国的墓碑上。
Standing in the Steventon churchyard on a September morning, the dew glistening on the closely mowed grass between the gravestones, I heard the wind whispering in the 900-year-old yew tree that stands at the west end of the church. 9月的清晨,我站在史蒂文顿小村一座教堂的庭院里。墓碑之间新近修剪的草地上,露珠闪烁着光芒,教堂的西边,轻风在九百岁古老紫杉的树叶间悄然私语。
It was easy to imagine, as I wandered among the gravestones, Miss Austen enjoying long walks through this landscape. 走在墓石之间,我不禁想起奥斯汀小姐穿过这片美景悠然漫步的模样。
I like gravestones, since they seem natural, solid, timeless and ( usually) linked to a church. 我喜欢墓碑,因为它们看起来自然、结实、亘古不变,而且(通常)与某个教堂联系在一起。
At the bottom of the network are small-time thieves who steal copper wiring from open-air railway tracks, underground tunnels and airport escalators, copper materials from factories and electrical plants, and even from gravestones. 黑市交易网络的最底端是一些小贼,他们从露天铁轨、地下隧道和机场自动扶梯盗取铜缆,从工厂、电厂甚至是墓石中盗取铜材。
There is a raised mound in the village called Gelert's Grave, and Gelert is commemorated by two "gravestones" in the village: one inscribed in Welsh, the other in English. 村里有个堆起的小山丘被称作格勒特之墓。乡村里有两座墓碑用来纪念格勒特:一个用威尔士语雕刻,一个用英语雕刻。
Whether, under the existing heritage conservation policy, monuments or historic buildings include cultural relics of historical significance such as gravestones; 根据现行文物保护政策,古迹或历史建筑物是否包括具有历史价值的墓碑等文物;
The names and dates on the gravestones were no longer legible. 墓碑上的名字和日期都辨认不清了。
Once upon a time there lived a stone-cutter who went every day to a great rock in the side of a big mountain and cut out slabs for gravestones or for houses. 从前有一位切石匠,他每天都会来到一座大山旁边的巨石前,切割下一块块的石板用以制作石碑或建造房屋。
These gravestones and the inscriptions on them are valuable in the study of ancient history and religions. 了解这些墓碑的内容,对滇西古代社会研究特别是古代宗教研究具有十分重要的意义。
Sculptural elements were introduced to take the place of innumerable gravestones. 设计中引进雕塑元素代替无数的墓石。
Attention shall be paid to plant trees and beautify cemeteries, advocate small-size and diversified gravestones and give more cultural and artistic flavors. 要搞好公墓的绿化美化,推行墓碑小型化、多样化,增加文化艺术含量;
Gravestones can be removed, defaced, destroyed or simply ignored. 墓碑可以被移位、表面会破损、会遭到毁坏,或者干脆无人理睬。
Other stories are frankly bizarre: the crunch is alleged to have given a fillip to sales of cake, wooden "gravestones", West End musicals and tickets to see the film Mamma Mia! 坦率的来讲,其它报道则很奇怪:有人声称经济危机刺激了蛋糕、木制墓碑、伦敦西区音乐剧和《妈妈咪呀》(mammamia)电影票的销售。
Some times drunken people take the chance to get a good night's sleep around the gravestones. 有时候,会有醉汉抓住机会在墓碑旁睡上一整晚。
There are no Gladiator tombs in rome, no gravestones. 在罗马没有角斗士墓,没有墓碑。
But this is misleading, and those who have tried to take Sumu-ilum have found that out to their peril, catapult missiles can do little harm to ensorcelled gravestones that make up the walls. 但这是一种误解,那些尝试占领苏穆-伊伦的人都发现这风险他们担不起:投石车的攻击几乎没有对城墙造成损伤它们是用施过咒法的墓碑组成的。
Centuries of wind and rain had worn away the inscriptions on the gravestones. 几个世纪的风雨已磨损了墓碑上的碑文。
I read stories etched on the gravestones. 我读了刻在墓碑上的故事。
Holding a torch, Paris walked carefully among the gravestones. 巴利斯手持着火把,小心翼翼地走在墓碑之间。