He is pale, dark, and authoritative, with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner. 他脸色苍白,皮肤较黑,颇有威信,浑身透着一种布克奖得主应有的庄重。
Apple's products, along with Jobs'personality traits, are what gave him the gravitas that made his keynotes Momentous Events, with all eyes on Steve. 苹果的产品以及乔布斯的个性特点赋予他一种庄严感,而正是这种庄严感使得其主题演讲成为大事,而他本人则成为人们的焦点。
Founders are generally free to execute their vision with added "gravitas," Harford argues. 哈福德认为,创始人往往具有额外的分量,可以不受约束地执行他们的设想。
Do employees walk around the office with their heads held a little higher and answer the phone with a bit more gravitas in their voice? 员工走在办公室里有没有头抬得更高,接电话的语调更庄重了?
The finished result may have charm but is technically poor and lacks the gravitas of previous official photographs, according to experts. 专家表示,最后出来的结果可能还不错,但是缺少了技巧,和之前的官方照相比,也少了分庄严。
If you don't pass that test, no one's going to worry too much about your gravitas because you are struck off the list, 'Ms. Hewlett says. 休利特说,如果你没有通过这个测试,就没有人会太在意你举止是否庄重,因为你已经被从名单上除名。
For one thing, it shows how big tech companies such as Google are scrambling to increase their financial acumen and gravitas as their balance sheets grow in size and complexity. 一方面,这体现出随着谷歌等大科技企业的资产负债表的规模和复杂程度与日俱增,它们正努力迅速提高自己的财务头脑和严谨性。
Gravitas is first and foremost about confidence and staying calm in a stressful situation, and then showing teeth, which means being decisive even when faced with hard choices, Ms. Hewlett says. 休利特说,要做到举止端庄,最重要的就是自信和在有压力时保持冷静,其次是表现出强硬的一面,这意味着要果断,即便是在面对艰难抉择的情况下。
Gravitas, especially confidence in your own abilities and knowledge, is by far the most important of the three, according to 67% of those polled, although it overlaps a lot with communication, which got 28% of the vote. 庄重,尤其是对自身能力与知识的自信,是三者之中最重要的一项。67%的受访者选择了该项,虽然它与沟通有许多重合之处。选择沟通的受访者比例为28%。
She never seemed like an ing é nue, though: Even as a teenager, she had gravitas. 不过,她似乎从来没经历过天真少女的阶段:甚至在十几岁时,她都很稳重。
Highly unlikely that happens with Buffett, both because of his legal rights and his grandfatherly gravitas. 这种情况不可能出现在巴菲特身上,这既是因为他拥有合法权力,也因为他有着祖父一样的气场。
Terry Pratchett's Discworld might not have the gravitas of other fantasy works, but it makes our list by virtue of being pure fun. 特里.布莱切特的《碟形世界》也许不像其他奇幻作品那么严肃,它能够上榜正式因为其纯粹的好玩儿。
The inscriptions, set in a custom typeface designed by the stone carver Nick Benson, manage to convey both extraordinary gravitas and a modern energy. 碑文,有石头雕刻家NickBenson用特制的字体设计,充分表达了严肃庄严和现代力量。
My father and the fathers of my boyhood friends were men of gravitas, authority figures. 我的父亲,还有我小时候玩伴的父亲,他们都是说一不二的严父类型。
IT department can also ascertain gravitas in the boardroom in getting the right resources for innovations. 资讯科技署也能确定庄严在董事会中获得权利资源的创新。
Finance director Douglas Flint, too, has the gravitas to succeed Mr Green as chairman. 财务总监范智廉(DouglasFlint)也有接替葛霖担任主席的庄严气质。
At first glance, Kaneshiro lacks the gravitas to carry such an esteemed character in Chinese history, but he gives the character a unique, refreshing interpretation. 乍看之下,金城武缺乏扮演一个在中国历史上如此重要的人物的能力,但他赋予了人物一个独特的性格和令人耳目一新的诠释。
He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader. 他是一个足够引人注意的政客,但他却有些缺乏一个世界领袖的政治家般的庄严举止。
Such careers had no particular gravitas – but all that has changed. 这种职业没有特别庄严,不过这一切都改变了。