Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering. 英国的亚裔年轻人通常被吸引到医学、法律及工程专业。
If you went in a bookstore, which section do you naturally gravitate toward? 如果你走进一个书店哪一部分会自然地吸引你?
Try to gravitate towards the optimistic and passionate people who will help you see the brighter side of life. 尽量和乐观充满激情的人相处,有助于你看到生活光明的一面。
Focus on making yourself happy first, and people will gravitate toward you. 首先,致力于使自己快乐,然后人们就会被你吸引。
Misery loves company, and unhappy people gravitate toward others who share their negative sentiments. 苦难也喜欢陪伴,不快乐的人总喜欢和那些有着相同消极想法的人在一起。
To be honest, that's the kind of stuff I like doing and gravitate toward naturally. 说实话,这些正是我喜欢的,天生就吸引我的东西。
Whether blood related or not, people tend to gravitate to others, and eventually form a family unit. 不管是否有血缘关系,人们都趋向于相互吸引,并逐渐形成一个家族单位。
Humans gravitate toward activities, many of which we know to be destructive. 人类在万有引力下倾向于活动,我们知道其中许多是破坏性的个性。
It makes sense that privileged 18-year-olds who have already learned that lesson gravitate to liberal-arts colleges. 享有特权的这些18岁孩子们已经得到了被文科学院吸引的教训,这很正常。
However, you can find anything online, and most people gravitate to websites that confirm their beliefs. 但是网上可以找到各种各样的说法,而且绝大多数人倾向于那些能证明他们观念的网站。
Naturally artistic, these folks also gravitate toward jobs involving design, music, or dance. 优雅世艺术的气质使他们很适合从事设计、音乐和舞蹈方面的工作。
Health systems will not automatically gravitate towards greater equity or naturally evolve towards universal coverage. 卫生系统不会自动增强公平性或自然实现普遍覆盖。
And then I think about people. I mean, a man and a woman, they gravitate to each other, and sometimes dramatically. Well, this is so far before your time. 然后我想到了人,我是说一个男人和,一个女人相互吸引,有时候很急剧的吸引,这应该不是你们这个时代的。
Do you tend to gravitate to a certain colour-and why do you think that is? 你有没有倾向于一种颜色呢?你的观点是什么?
Then you can gravitate towards the FTSE 100 in due course. 然后,你可以在适当时候转向富时100指数(FTSE100)成份股公司。
Customers gravitate to the shops that best reflect their social status. 顾客们总是被吸引到那些最能反映其社会地位的商店。
Don't gravitate to one side, or the boat will upset. 别都移向一边,否则船会翻的。
The agencies, seeking to avoid reversals, would inevitably gravitate towards using highly adversarial procedures in every case. 试图避免撤销裁定的机关将必然受吸引倾向于在每一个案件里利用高度对抗性的程序。
Responsibilities gravitate to the person who can shoulder them. 责任落在能够肩起责任的人身上。
This sounds counterintuitive, because we think we should instinctively gravitate toward that which is good for us. 这听起来不可思议,因为人们通常认为自己应该本能地被吸引到对自己有好处的东西上。
Liquidity is what drives markets, and trading flows will usually gravitate to the most liquid markets. 流动性是市场的驱动力,而交易流通常会流向流动性最强的市场。
'Really understanding why consumers gravitate towards one product category or another will be important in2009,'he adds. 他补充说,切实理解消费者为什么偏好这样或那样的产品,这一点在2009年尤其重要。
Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square. 大多数来纽约的游客都被吸引到时代广场。
The cool people are going to gravitate to me. 最酷的人都会为我而倾倒。
If we do not act now, business may gravitate overseas. 如果现在不采取行动,业务可能会流失到海外。
Honestly there is no greater feeling than having a couple gravitate toward my work and approach and ask me to photograph their wedding. 老实说,没有比拥有一对夫妇倾向于我的工作和方法,并问我拍摄他们的婚礼更多的感觉。
Health systems will not automatically gravitate towards greater fairness and efficiency. 卫生系统不会自动变得更加公平和有效。
Organizational transformation will gravitate towards a top-down hierarchy of policy, education, and empowerment across the entire organization. 组织机构转型将被引入自上而下的金字塔政策,整个组织内部的教育培训和授权。
Boys gravitate towards girls at that age. 男孩们被大门口的女孩们吸引了。
Naturally, as a matter of a genuine desire to have a single place to meet with all acquaintances online easily, users will gravitate towards one service according to societal and peer pressures. 当然,作为一个真正希望有一个地方,与所有熟人网上很容易满足的问题,用户将倾向于对一个服务,根据社会和同行的压力。
被吸引到;受吸引而转向 to move towards sb/sth that you are attracted to
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