Automated Design and Simulation of Gravity-Assist Trajectories for Deep Space Probe 深空探测行星借力飞行轨道自动设计与仿真
Research on Gravity-Assist Mechanism in Circular Restricted Three-body Problem 基于圆型限制性三体模型的借力飞行机理研究
Building Model Using System Identification for Certain Micro Air Vehicle Research on Gravity-Assist Mechanism in Circular Restricted Three-body Problem 某型微型飞行器验证样机辨识建模研究基于圆型限制性三体模型的借力飞行机理研究
According to patched conic assumption, gravity-assist trajectory can be divided into two major segments: the heliocentric transfer segment and the planet centric flyby segment. 按照圆锥曲线拼接法,借力飞行轨道设计主要包括日心转移轨道段和借力天体飞越轨道段。
The basic idea of this software is the aforementioned strategy in gravity-assist trajectory design, with modules as computation, ephemeris, user interface and output. 软件基于前文中所述的借力飞行轨道设计策略,采用模块化设计,由计算模块、星历模块、用户界面模块和输出模块组成。
This dissertation presents studies on the gravity-assist and low-thrust trajectory design and optimization, as well as the developments on a trajectory design and optimization software tool. Firstly, the traditional gravity-assist trajectory design problem is modeled. 本文主要研究和讨论了借力飞行和小推力轨道设计建模及优化算法,并开发了借力飞行轨道设计优化软件。具体而言,主要包括以下几个部分:首先,文中研究了传统借力飞行轨道设计问题。