Businesses are looking for experts at all skill levels, from greenhorns in eight-hour shifts to industry greybeards who can watch the big picture. 现在企业正在四处网罗各种水平的网络专家,他们之中既有初出茅庐的新手&可以为企业提供“三班倒”式的值班服务,也有可以替企业运筹帷幄的行业骨灰级人物。
Meanwhile, traditional agents still do good business selling to retirees and travel greenhorns on package tours. 同时,依靠向退休人员和旅行新手销售团队旅游产品,传统的旅行社仍旧维持着良好的业绩。
He was warned not to hire any more greenhorns as clerks. 有人提醒他别再雇佣生手当职员了。