Then he passed to the frontier of Italy, and was one of the thirty grenadiers who defended the Col de Tende with Joubert. 随后,他转到了意大利前线,他是和茹贝尔保卫坦达谷的那三十个卫队之一。
They have every reason to be proud: only large, brave men become grenadiers. 当然他们有充分的理由可以骄傲:只有高大勇敢地男人才能成为掷弹兵。
This aside, grenadiers are dedicated soldiers who will follow orders to the letter. 除此以外,掷弹兵是具有献身精神能一丝不苟地执行命令的士兵。
Both work great although you can keep the EMP up constantly with multiple upgraded grenadiers. 两者都很有效,你还可以用大量升级的榴弹兵来增长EMP的时间。
Grenadiers see themselves as elite, and usually occupy the place of honour at the right of the line. 掷弹兵自视为军中翘楚,通常占据线列右端以示荣誉。
Grenadiers were originally soldiers who specialized in throwing grenades. 掷弹兵是谁在投掷手榴弹原本专门士兵。
Grenadiers with EMP Grenades can keep an Epic Unit EMP'ed almost constantly when several are used in a cycle. 假如循环使用游戏技能的话,升级了EMP手雷的榴弹兵能够让史诗单位一直瘫痪。
Fuses are notoriously unreliable, and grenadiers can die as their own bombs explode prematurely. 这种臭名昭著的导火线极不可靠,提早爆炸很可能令掷弹兵死在自己的炸弹手里。