The function preg_grep() can also filter a list quickly. 函数preggrep()还可以快速地过滤列表。
So, when should you use find/ xargs, and when should you use grep? 那么,什么时候应该使用find/xargs,什么时候应该使用grep呢?
For instance, I often use find in combination with grep or Perl to process a large number of files. 例如,我经常将find与grep或者Perl一起使用,以便对大量的文件进行处理。
You can use the grep utility to search the system user attribute defaults in the file. 可以使用grep工具在文件中搜索系统用户属性默认值。
Having the new executable, you can use the grep utility to search for main in the map file to find its address. 得到新的可执行应用程序之后,您就可以使用grep工具在映像文件中查找main来寻找它的地址了。
For example, a simple grep command can help you find files that match certain search criteria. 例如,一个简单的grep命令能够帮助您找到匹配特定搜索条件的文件。
When combined with the grep command, I can retrieve the conditions in Buffalo. 当与grep命令组合使用时,我可以检索布法罗市的天气状况。
First, you retrieve the number of processors from the cpuinfo file in/ proc using grep. 首先,使用grep在/proc下的cpuinfo文件中检索处理器的数目。
Listing 12 shows some of the basic regular expressions used with the grep command. 清单12显示了与grep命令一起使用的一些基本正则表达式。
Grep can find fixed sequences of characters and can even ignore case with the-I option. grep可以查找具有固定顺序的字符组合,甚至可以通过使用-i选项来忽略大小写。
In its simplest use, grep prints those lines that contain text that matches a pattern. grep的最简单应用是打印那些包含与某个模式匹配的文本的行。
This includes crafting loops and knowing how to parse data using utilities like awk, grep, and sed. 这包括巧妙使用循环和知道如何使用awk、grep和sed等的实用程序解析数据。
The following file, which I'll name "memo," illustrates grep's usage and results. 下面这个文件我称之为“memo”,阐述了grep的用法和结果。
Using grep in many cases can give you the desired value. 在许多情况下使用grep可以得到需要的值。
This article helps you better understand the regular expressions used by both grep and sed. 本文将帮助您更好地理解grep和sed使用的正则表达式。
It covers basic usage, commands, filters ( another name for command line utilities), sed, awk, grep, shell programming, and C programming in UNIX. 该书介绍了UNIX中的基本用法、命令、过滤器(命令行实用程序的另一个名称)、sed、awk、grep、shell编程和C编程。
If you like grep, you won't find any more AIO servers. 如果您喜欢使用grep,那么您将无法找到更多的AIO服务器。
In this example, grep filters the lines, outputting all files with Dec in their modification dates as well as in their names. 在此示例中,grep对行进行筛选,并输出其修改日期和名称中带Dec的所有文件。
Note that this is not regular expression matching as used by grep. 注意:这不是grep使用的正则表达式匹配。
Verify that the SNMP daemon is running: ps-ef| grep snmpd. 检查SNMP守护进程是否正在运行:ps-efgrepsnmpd。
The second important note about this example is that you've performed the grep operation remotely. 关于这个示例,第二项需要说明的重要内容是,您以远程的方式执行了grep操作。
The functions preg_split() and preg_grep() are great little functions. 函数pregsplit()和preggrep()是优秀的小函数。
Perl's regular expression heritage comes from shell scripting and the awk/ grep tools. Perl的正则表达式是从shell脚本程序以及awk/grep工具中继承而来的。
The second method is to use the-i option, which tells grep to ignore case sensitivity. 第二种方法是使用-i选项,这告诉grep忽略大小写的敏感性。
First, run a grep command with the-o option, if your version supports it. 首先,使用-o选项(如果您的版本支持它的话)来运行grep命令。
GNU Project Web site: Download a free copy of GNU grep for your operating system. GNU项目网站:下载用于您的操作系统的免费GNUgrep副本。
For example, grep, sed, and other tools like them have man pages that describe their regexp syntax and give examples. 例如,grep、sed和其他类似的工具都提供了手册页,描述其regexp语法并提供相关示例。
Just using dmesg| grep is a useful troubleshooting and system discovery tool. 只要使用dmesggrep,您会发现这是一个有用的故障检修和系统发现工具。
By filtering this with grep we can see the information we want:$ snmptranslate-Ts| grep dsk. 通过使用grep筛选转储结果,我们可以看到以下所需的信息:$snmptranslate-Tsgrepdsk。
You can do that with several applications, including grep, sed, and Emacs. 可以使用多个应用程序完成此工作,包括grep、sed和Emacs。