Businesses are looking for experts at all skill levels, from greenhorns in eight-hour shifts to industry greybeards who can watch the big picture. 现在企业正在四处网罗各种水平的网络专家,他们之中既有初出茅庐的新手&可以为企业提供“三班倒”式的值班服务,也有可以替企业运筹帷幄的行业骨灰级人物。
Consumers will remember what it means to put money aside in the good times, while the stock market will be an old-timer's game, tempting only for those greybeards who remember the long boom of the 1980s and 1990s. Those were the days. 消费者将会记住在好时候存钱的意义,同时,股市将成为老人们的游戏场,只会吸引记得20世纪八、九十年代的长期繁荣的老年人。啊,往昔的日子!