After drawing both axes, you draw the gridlines along with their labels by evenly spacing them and then drawing the lines using the same combination of moveTo, lineTo, and stroke. 绘制水平和垂直轴线后,沿着它们的标签绘制网格线,方法是均匀间隔它们,然后使用相同的moveTo、lineTo和stroke组合来绘制这些直线。
When users fill out a form that is based on your form template, these gridlines are hidden. 用户填写基于表单模板的表单时,这些网格线是隐藏的。
Click the other option, and then type a number in the box to specify the interval for gridlines to appear. 单击“其他”选项,然后在框中键入数字可指定用来显示网格的间隔。
None no gridlines between cells. 单元格之间没有网格线。
To hide non-printing gridlines, click Hide Gridlines on the Table menu 单击表格菜单中的隐藏虚框命令可隐藏无法打印不的虚框
If you prefer to hide the gridlines in design mode, you can turn them off by clicking hide gridlines on the table menu. 如果要在设计模式中隐藏网格线,可以单击“表格”菜单上的“隐藏网格线”将其关闭。
Columns and rows appear with gridlines in Datasheet view? 是否在数据表视图下用网格线显示行及列?
{ The interval value for contrasting gridlines must be between 1 and 99.} Use the arrows to select an interval value between 1 and 99. {反差网格的间隔数值必须在1到99之间。}请使用箭头选定一个1到99之间的间隔值。
Adds or deletes major value axis gridlines 添加或删除水平(主要数值轴)网格线
If you'd rather not see them at all, you can hide them by clicking hide gridlines on the table menu. 如果您根本不想看到它们,可以通过单击“表格”菜单上的“隐藏虚框”将其隐藏。
Returns or sets the width, in Pixels, of the gridlines. 返回或设置网格线的宽度,单位为像素。
With the gridlines of the rectangular coordinate system located on the object being measured, the outline of the object is produced by this system, then it is applied to the measurement and diagnosis of multi-parameter of the irregular tri-dimensional object. 该系统根据定位于被测量物体上直角坐标系的格线,生成该物体的外形,从而用于不规则三维物体多种参数的测量和诊断。
The resulting gridlines in burner region are nearly parallel to the diagonals of the horizontal cross-section of the furnace, while the ones on upper furnace are parallel to the boundary. 在燃烧器区域的网格线接近炉膛水平截面对角线方向,而在炉膛上部则平行于边界。
The use of streamlines as gridlines makes the distributions of gridlines more resonable; it also greatly simplifies the finite difference scheme. 采用流线作为一族网格线可使网格线的分布更为合理,并使差分格式大大简化。