Disorders like depression can also cause you to feel drained of energy, a symptom that can contribute to your grogginess. 抑郁症之类的小病也会导致你感到浑身乏力,这是会引起你头晕目眩的症状之一。
The best way to remember your dreams, says Naiman, is to allow yourself to wake up slowly, over a matter of minutes, lolling about in your grogginess. 想要记住梦境,最好的办法,Naiman说就是让自己自然醒,过几分钟,缓一缓神。
Best of all, he said, he no longer struggles with morning grogginess. It just doesn't happen anymore. 爱普斯坦说,最棒的就是,他再也不需要为早晨的神经衰弱而挣扎了,睡醒之后的种种问题再也没有发生过。
The grogginess from the beer was wearing off. Jastrow's glance at her was sly and tipsy. 因喝了啤酒而产生的醉意正在消退。贾斯特罗微带醉意地偷偷瞅着她。
It may take a little time for the grogginess to dissipate. 要驱散这种不稳状态需要一些时间。
So set an alarm, both to avoid the grogginess of a long nap and to make sure you don't sleep through anything important. 因此要设定闹钟,这即可避免过长午睡所导致的昏昏沉沉,又不至于午睡过头误了大事。