There is no doubt it was an accident and I bear no grudges. 这无疑是个意外,我没有怨言。
They bear grudges against each other. 他俩有过节儿。
He never grudges money. 他从不吝惜金钱。
Learn to forgive and get rid of grudges. 学会体谅和原谅,不要有怨意。
Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. 怨恨的情绪是在浪费你的幸福。
Brooding grudges and malice isnt healthy for your heart. 带着怨恨和恶意对你的心脏健康不利。
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. 你的怨恨、愤慨、挫折和妒忌最终也将消失。
When you show mercy, you are not dragged down by the grudges that sap your energy. 当你怜悯别人的时候,你就不会受怨恨缠累而消耗精力。
Ex.: This bicycle is completely obsolete, but Lao Sun still grudges throwing it away. 例:尽管这辆自行车都老掉牙了,可是老孙还是舍不得扔掉。
Don't hold grudges against people who have hurt you; you should forgive and forget. 对于伤害过你的人不要怀恨在心,你应该宽大为怀,不计前嫌。
You also have a tendency to brood and to bear grudges and can be suspicious and vindictive. 另外,你喜欢沉思,易于记仇,而且可能会有些多疑,又怀有报复心。
It's not a time for grudges. 这时候不该再记仇了。
You don't let me lose that all the dignity, so I won't grudges you. 你没有让我失去那全部的尊严,所以我不会嫉恨你。
Grudges and deceit have led to this moment when Esau speaks to himself rather than to God and his family members. 怨恨和诡诈导致以扫只对自己说话,而没有对神和家人说话;
Increase with age, I began to have an antagonistic mentality, coupled with childhood grudges, I began to deliberate with his father, and he has said by, I try to resist; 随着年龄的增长,我开始有了逆反心理,再加上小时候的积怨,我开始故意与父亲做对,他所说的所作的,我都尽量去抵制;
Get Rid of Grudges When people work together, hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and cross words are inevitable. 捐弃嫌隙当人们在一起工作时,出现伤感情、误解和口角是难免的。
He grudges you your reward. 他不想给你赏金。
He bears me grudges, because I broke the egg in his pocket. 他对我怀恨在心,因为我打破了他的计划。
Her leading characters are people with grudges that they cannot resolve. 她笔下的主人公都是一些忿忿不平的人,然而又无力解决不平事。
By giving too many contracts to foreigners, it has created grudges instead of buying goodwill. 太多合同派给了外国人,这没有收获善意,却引发了不满。
He grudges her earning more than he does. 他嫉妒她挣的比他多。
Wouldn't they all have grudges? 他们所有人都有怨恨吗?
One learns to release the grudges and judgments of the past in the greater understanding that one's own ancestry has perpetrated the same dance of darkness as the other that one is forgiving. 在更多地理解自己祖先和另一个你正饶恕的人犯了同样的黑暗之舞中,你将学会释放对过去的嫉恨与判断。
There is no point or gain for you to harbour such memories or grudges against people that have entered your lives. 没有点或争取你抱有这样的记忆,或对已进入你们的生活的人怨恨。
He grudges every penny he has to spend. 他每花一便士都非常吝惜。
She is above personal grudges. 她是个不记仇的人。
She can't even rest in peace cuz she's got grudges. 她死后也不会安宁因为她很痛苦。
I'm tired of being the bearer of bad grudges. 我厌倦了做传递怨念的信使。
Like me in the desert. I don't hold any grudges. I laugh about it. 就像我在沙漠中,我毫无怨恨,我只觉得好笑。
Confess any grudges you're holding onto as sin. 承认任何的抱怨,这些都是罪。