Guan Yu not only refused but also insulted sun quan. 关羽不但拒绝,还侮辱了孙权。
Guan often said there were some kind of foreordination between him and stones. 关柏春常说自己和石头之间有一种缘分。
Why did Guan Yu launch the Xiangfan campaign? 关羽为何要发动襄樊战役?
But Guan Yu remained unmoved, putting his loyalty to Liu Bei before all else. 但是关羽始终以义气为重,对刘备忠贞不渝。
You really Guan ah, my love! 你还真关啊,我的爱人!
Liu let Guan and Zhang stand at the door, and he stood by the bed. 刘备就让关羽和张飞守在门口,自己站在床边等他醒来。
The man was named Guan Yu. 原来这个人就是关羽。
But the reason that Guan Guoguang thinks this can not become confine electron to pay development limits. 但关国光认为这并不能成为局限电子支付发展范围的理由。
Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say, But they walked away sneeringly. 关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。
"A great idea!" agreed Liu Bei and Guan yu. 刘备和关羽都说:“真是太好了”。
The "Forest of Guan Yu" is one of the three major memorial temples of Lord Guan. 关林庙是关羽的三个纪念庙宇之一。
So Sun Quan had Guan Yu and his son put to death. 于是,孙权处死了关羽父子。
Why is it called Guan lin? 为什么要叫关林呢?
In addition to Theravada Buddhism, Guan Yin Bodhisattva even is very prominent in Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. 不但南传佛教可以找到观世音菩萨的踪迹,在大乘佛教和藏传密教观世音菩萨更是显要的。
He's the famous Qin Guan. 他是中国著名的秦观。
As CCTV reporter Guan Xin finds out, fighting climate change does not necessarily mean sacrificing development. 正如央视记者GuanXin了解到的,与气候变化作斗争未必就是牺牲发展。
The audio-recording of Shen Si Guan provides a rich source for studying humor and language. 《审死官》的录音资料为研究幽默和语言提供了丰富的资源。
Guan Yu was informed that a fleet was coming from wu. 有人向关羽报告,吴国有船队过。
They learned that the man was named Guan yu. 交谈中得知,此人名关羽。
This exhibition will present the artist – Guan Yong's art completely. 此次展览将全面整体呈现艺术家管勇的艺术面貌。
Now we've arrived at Guan Lin of luoyang. 现在我们来到了洛阳的关林。
Gaoan foundation was founded in2006by Zhang Huan and Hu Chang Guan to focus on developments and donations in education, culture, and buddhism. 高安基金会由张洹和胡常观于2006年创立,主要关注于教育文化佛法方面的建设和捐献。
It is so auspicious, as if Guan Yin is rewarding me for writing the praise. 这是如此的吉祥,犹如观音对我写此赞的奖赏。
This is one aspect to show the importance of Guan Yin Bodhisattva in the minds of common people. 可见得观音菩萨对一般老百姓的重要性。
Qin Guan was an important excellent poet in Northern Song Dynasty, who made great contribution to the development and creation of vocable. 秦观是北宋时期一名重要的词人,对词的发展和创作都作出了卓越的贡献。
The shapes, colors and lines in Guan's oil painting are arranged with originality. 关良油画中的形、色、线等方面别开生面,匠心独运。
Guan Hanqing figured a gang of villain images in his works of poetic drama. 关汉卿在他的杂剧作品中,成功塑造了一大批恶人形象。
I could not pass this Guan himself. 我可以不通过这关自己。
Guan Junjie: I see. Nice to meet you. 关俊杰:我知道了。很高兴认识你。
Guan yu: I prefer this green dragon crescent moon blade. 关羽:我喜欢这把青龙偃月刀。