
英 [ˌgærənˈtɔːz] 美 [ˌgɛrənˈtɔrz]

n.  担保人; 保证人


  1. 担保人;保证人
    A guarantor is a person who gives a guarantee or who is bound by one.


    1. Fannie and Freddie have been battling with JPMorgan and other banks over how much of those losses the government guarantors should swallow, and how much should be sent back to the banks.
    2. 'Indeed, nearly 80 per cent of our guarantors are family members.'
    3. The article, after analyzing the rights and duties of guarantors, the main body in independent guarantee, tries to reveal some hot issues in it.
    4. Guarantors of the debtor, after having repaid debts on behalf of the debtor, may be deemed creditors, and enjoy the right to vote.
    5. The army in Bolivia has begun using a controversial new motto introduced by President Evo Morales as part of his effort to turn the armed forces into guarantors of his socialist revolution.
    6. The west has proved that it is neither ready to include Ukraine in its security umbrella, nor to live up to their commitments under international law as guarantors of Ukrainian territorial integrity.
    7. The armed forces see themselves as the guarantors of free elections in the country.
    8. The government is the main loan guarantor in developed countries, and the important hypothesis by which the issue of guarantee pricing is studied is guarantors without default risk.
    9. For all Americans, the idea that the government would drive the rate of home ownership has evaporated with the White House plan for housing finance, which winds down the government-sponsored mortgage guarantors and emphasises the role of renting.
    10. The crisis has exposed taxpayers as the ultimate guarantors of the financial system.
    11. At stake, say some, is the survival of the entire Made in Italy concept artisanal firms that are the guarantors, or so many lovers of Italian goods abroad believe of the quality and style that embody the sense of Italian fashion.
    12. These guarantors played the same role as an investment bank lead underwriting a securities issue.
    13. The willingness to sacrifice international respectability is dangerous, especially as governments are now guarantors of the global financial system.
    14. But that is rarely the case, the IFC employee says, especially since staff at the guarantors tend to have been recruited from the banks themselves.
    15. For credit guarantors to backstop loans to small and medium enterprises, they need to be better informed about an enterprise than the banks.
    16. People in favour of credit guarantee firms point out that credit orienwise was unique because it was private, while guarantors that are backed by the government are far more likely to prosper.
    17. Efforts to shore up US bond insurers gathered pace yesterday as New York state regulators appointed investment bankers to advise on a rescue plan that could provide back-up credit lines for the troubled guarantors.
    18. But the crisis has revealed the extent to which taxpayers are the guarantors of the financial system.
    19. A Study on the Rights of Defenses of Guarantors in Independent Guarantee Transactions
    20. Through processing financial product, housing mortgage securitization diversified the risk of housing mortgage, raised the quality of mortgage pool, and many market participants as securities guarantors and investors got much benefit.
    21. The qualification of guarantors is very important for the realization of guarantee.
    22. In order to reduce their risks and protect their benefits, the most effective way for independent guarantors is to exercise rights of defenses correctly and lawfully.
    23. The judicial practice that imprecise agreements on period of liability for guaranty or are often signed by parties, sometimes even no agreements, suggests that the nature of the period has directly influenced the guarantors 'obligation and benefits.
    24. Based on the analysis of their own characteristics, this chapter separately expoundes, according to the author's understanding of the relevant laws, what responsibility the guarantors should bear in these three situations.
    25. In China, most of loan guarantors are of default risk.
    26. In the field of individual credit survey, it broke through the credit system that centered on individual moral credit in traditional society, and contributed tremendously to the credit surveys on financial clients, guarantors and foreigners in Shanghai.
    27. The writer thinks according to the completely same law position of each guarantor, guarantor who already takes the responsibility of guarantee can ask for compensation toward the debtor, who can also ask for compensation to the other guarantors in their share scope of responsibility.
    28. As the public company of our country, the listed companies 'finance and management are relatively transparent. And their real founds strength is much stronger and they have the inborn factor to be guarantors.
    29. With the rapid development of the socio-economy, guarantee law has played an increasingly important role in the market economy. In order to protect the guarantors 'self-interests, counter guarantee legal system is established at the background of the constantly guarantee behaviors more active in market transactions.