From whence I easily understood, that these were the Caribbees, which our Maps place on the Part of America, which reaches from the Mouth of the River Oroonooko to Guiana, and onwards to St. 于是我立刻了解,他所说的是加勒比群岛,在我们的地图上,是属于美洲地区;这些群岛从奥里诺科河河口,一直延伸到圭亚那,再延伸到圣马大。
Other countries ( e. g. French Guiana and Guyana) have recently included yellow fever vaccination in their national routine programme for immunization. 其他国家如法属圭亚那和圭亚那最近已将黄热病预防接种纳入国家常规免疫接种规划。
McKey and his colleagues came to their conclusion after studying some strange features of the savannahs of French Guiana. 麦克伊和他的同事们,在研究了法国圭亚那地区大草原的一些奇异特性后,得出了以上结论。
Location: Located on the northeast coast of South America, Suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east, Brazil to the south, Guyana to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. 自然地理:苏里南位于南美洲东北部海岸,东接法属圭亚那,南邻巴西,西连圭亚那,北临大西洋。
Multiple rainbows pierce the trees of a rain forest in French Guiana. 多样的彩虹刺穿树林在法属圭亚那的雨林。
Trumpeter of Brazil and Guiana; often kept to protect poultry in Brazil. 产于巴西和圭亚那地区的鹤形鸟;在巴西经常饲养用来保护家禽。
France has 4 overseas departments ( French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion). 法国还有4个海外省(法属圭亚那、瓜德罗普、马提尼克和留尼汪)。
Guiana, as well as a healthy vegetarian diet to environmental influences problems. 属圭亚那,以及一个健康的素食对环境影响的问题。
The Second Cleveland Administration and Venezuela-British Guiana Boundary Dispute 第二届克利夫兰政府与委&圭边界纠纷
Comparative study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in human immunodeficiency virus ( HI V)-infected patients and non-HIV-infected patients in French Guiana 在法属圭亚那对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染和非HIV感染患者的皮肤利什曼病的对比性研究
Basis and guarantee for the Guiana project overall risk assessment and response measures to develop the operation and development of the project. 同时,为项目自身整体风险评估和应对措施的制定,项目的运营和发展提供了依据和保障。
The rivalry among the European powers in Latin America caused the indefinite boundary line between Venezuela and British Guiana from the very beginning. 欧洲列强在美洲的殖民争夺造成委&圭两国间从一开始就没有明确的边界。