Through the city's boundary wall development, this paper discusses interactivity between Guildhalls and the city's spatial and functional layout, thus to help further understand the city's process from a single traditional political and military centre to a trade and commerce hub as well. 本文拟从城池演进发展的角度,探讨重庆的移民会馆建设与城市空间形态和功能布局的互动关系,并进一步认识清代重庆城由传统的军政中心向商业和贸易中心城市转变过程。
The Shanxi Guildhall locates near GBT and it is a delegate of the guildhalls in the Gansu corridor with a typical characteristic of the late Qing Dynasty. 与大佛寺毗邻的山西会馆是河西地区清代会馆建筑的典型代表,富有晚期河西建筑的特点。