Personal relations between Guineans and Americans began to improve. 几内亚人和美国人之间的个人关系已开始改善。
"The New Guineans taught me to eat it," Robinson adds. 新几内亚人教我吃蜘蛛,鲁宾逊补充说。
The correspondents say Guineans had hoped for tougher sanctions and the embargo was the weakest measure ECOWAS could agree on. 记者表示,几内亚人希望能够采取更严厉的制裁,禁运是ECOWAS能够赞同的最为微弱的措施。
It is a testimony to Mr Conte's24 years of misrule that the coup was greeted at the least with equanimity by most Guineans. 几内亚人对政变的最激烈态度也无非是泰然处之,这反衬出了孔戴24年的残暴统治。