As they passed us, the large craft and the gunboats in the harbour saluted and the seamen shouted applause for the master of the only little sail-boat that ventured out into the storm. 风浪过后,港口中的大船和炮舰纷纷向我们(升旗)致敬,水手们也为这艘小帆船在风暴中的壮举而欢呼呐喊。
Our gunboats ploughed the waves. 我军炮艇破浪前进。
Gunboats have the same properties as armored vehicles. 炮艇有着和装甲车辆相同的属性。
First, in 1842, British imperialists forced the Qing emperor to cede Hong Kong after deploying gunboats against China for daring to oppose the opium trade. 首先,1842年,英帝国主义部署炮舰恫吓敢于反对鸦片贸易的中国,迫使清王朝割让了香港。
China's gunboats, meant to still tensions, may stoke them instead. 中国的炮舰,仍然意味着紧张气氛,也许比赌场更加火上浇油。
A lot of gunboats were in port. 港口里停着许多炮艇。
He also said they had been shelled by tanks and navy gunboats. 他还表示他们遭到坦克和海军炮舰的炮击。
Coming up behind them were warships and gunboats. 紧跟在他们后面的是军舰和炮艇。
Foreigners in the treaty ports lived charmed, if claustrophobic lives, protected from the outside by gunboats, foreign troops and immunity from Chinese laws. 外国人在条约港口的生活纵然幽闭,却也令人陶醉,他们不受中国法律的约束,与外界所有的战船炮舰、外夷军队皆无所涉。
Soon Raphael Semmes and the Confederate Navy would tend to those Yankee gunboats and the ports would be wide open. 不久拉斐尔-塞姆斯和南部联盟的海军就要来对付那些北方佬的炮艇,港口就会打开。
Suicide Bomber Kamikaze boats have the same properties as gunboats, but instead of the machine gun they are equipped with a highly explosive bomb. 自杀式舰船有着和炮艇相同的属性,只是用一个有着巨大爆炸威力的炸弹代替了机枪。
The Japanese yesterday took complete control at Shanghai, sank with all hands one of our small river gunboats, the Petrel, and seized an American gunboat. 日本人昨天完全控制了上海,击沉了我们的一艘小型炮艇及其全部人员,并俘获了一艘美国炮艇。
The Gunboats will function as long as they are equipped, and as such do not need to be drawn like other weapons. 而且,只要炮艇护靴装备在你身上,他就能起作用,他并不像其他武器一样要拔出。
The Yankee gunboats had tightened the mesh at the ports and very few ships were now able to slip past the blockade. 北方炮艇对南方港口的封锁已更加严密,能够偷越的船只已很少很少了。
Gunboats may frighten people into temporary submission, but a shared language can make them your friends. 战舰可以让别国的人民暂时臣服,而让他们理解你的语言却能使大家成为朋友。
The Turkish government has signed its own exploration deal with Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus, and dispatched a research vessel and several gunboats to the area. 土耳其政府与被土耳其控制的北塞浦路斯人签署了自己的探测协议,并且还派遣了一艘调查船和几艘炮艇去到这个地区。
Israeli gunboats will be deployed at sea to make sure that the ship heads for Egypt and does not change course for Gaza. 以色列舰艇将部署在海上以确保这艘船驶往埃及,不会改变航道驶往加沙。
Our gunboats ploughed the waves. The skiff was dancing at the stern. 我军炮艇破浪前进。小艇直在海浪中摇摆。
I doubt they ( the Chinese) will send any gunboats around to "open" trade up. 我不信他们(中国人)会到处派遣炮艇去“开发”贸易。
Hasn't he got the biggest gunboats you ever saw? 难道他的这双脚还不是你曾见过的最大的脚吗?
Stimulated end of the Qing Dynasty is a change in the age of chaos, many Western ideology and theory with gunboats from disorderly castrated. 清末是一个激变动乱的年代,诸多西方思想理论随着坚船利炮纷沓而来。
After the First Opium War, Western powers used gunboats to open Chinese closed door over a hundred years. 第一次鸦片战争爆发后,西方列强用坚船利炮强行撬开了中国封闭了百余年的大门。
Opium War onwards, restrained style of the Chinese social, political, economic, and cultural broken by the gunboats of the Western powers. 鸦片战争以降,中国社会政治、经济、文化的自身内敛式发展为西方列强的坚船利炮所打破。