Freedom Group, now one of the biggest US gunmakers, recently made a$ 2m contribution to the National Rifle Association, the powerful lobby organisation, its chief financial officer said in November. FreedomGroup目前是美国最大的枪械制造商之一。该公司首席财务官在今年11月表示,FreedomGroup不久前向该行业强大的游说组织美国步枪协会(NRA)捐赠了200万美元。
After state lawsuits forced tobacco companies to contribute billions towards public health costs, trial lawyers around the country trained their sights on gunmakers. 在政府诉讼迫使烟草公司拿出数十亿美元补偿公共卫生成本之后,美国的诉讼律师纷纷将目光瞄准枪械厂商。