They say gas guzzlers are contributing to air pollution. 他们说高耗油汽车是造成空气污染的原因之一。
GM hopes to counter its image as a maker of gas guzzlers with the2010 introduction of the electric-powered Chevrolet Volt. 通用公司希望能够改变它汽油吞噬者的形象,为此它将在2010年推出电力驱动的雪佛兰Volt汽车。
With lower prices, it seems people are going back to buying gas guzzlers, no doubt helped by the generous terms dealers are offering. 随着价格下降,人们却似乎回到购买大排量,毫无疑问,由经销商提供优厚的条件帮助的。
The value of gas guzzlers has dropped sharply in the used-car market. 二手车市场上的高油耗汽车价格已经剧跌。
Bigger cars tend to be gas guzzlers, and I wanted a bigger car. 现在耗油量大的汽车一定卖不动了吧?
Scientists said that Hong Kong will have almost no winter by the end of the century as the electricity guzzlers like air conditioner help heat up the city. 科学家预计,像空调等电器的过度使用,最终将导致城市变热,到本世纪末香港将不再有冬天。
By contrast, raising pump prices would have an immediate impact on miles driven and make gas guzzlers unattractive. 相反,提高油价会直接影响行驶里程,让油老虎失去吸引力。