I have a suggestion for where the President could find part of the answer: by setting loose the30-gigawatt ( GW) buildup of U.S.solar projects bogged down in late stage development. 总统先生上哪儿能找到这个问题的部分答案呢?对此,我有个建议:让美国总计30兆瓦的太阳能发电项目末期工程放手开工。
For example, GW just built a new$ 130 million "super dorm" and$ 33 million Textile Museum. 例如,乔治华盛顿大学斥资1.3亿美元修建新的“超级宿舍”,3300万美元修建纺织品博物馆。
It is responsible for starting and managing the different connectors, routing the GW messages, managing the communities, and communicating with the plug-ins. 它负责启动和管理不同的连接器、路由GW消息、管理社区并与插件通信。
Id like to begin by thanking& Mr. President, thank you for offering the venue here at GW. 我要首先感谢校长先生,感谢您提供乔治华盛顿大学的场地。
Installation of ID fan combined with FGD booster fan for 1 000 MW units A recommendation was made by inspectors that consideration be given by the company to the fitting of an interlock trip between the ventilation systems to prevent cell pressurization. GW级机组引风机与增压风机合并设置检查人员建议,公司应当考虑在这些通风系统之间安装一个连锁分离装置,以防止单元增压。
It is reported that China is commissioning a new, 1 GW coal-fired power station about every five days. 据报道,中国每五天就有一家1千兆瓦的燃煤电厂投产。
That may require new tools: the gw gold Federal Reserve would gain from being able to issue bonds that could mop up liquidity. 这或许将要求央行拿出新的政策工具:如美联储就将从能发行吸收流动性的债券中获益。
Improvement and Realization of CTSI_GW Server in Fixed-line Phone Payment System 固网支付系统中改进的CTSIGW服务器及实现
GW-type pipe-type non-clogging sewage pump flange on the same level of import and export lines, to pipe the form of installation, with pump installed base, very convenient to use. GW型管道式无堵塞排污泵的进出口法兰在同一条水平线上,以管道形式安装,泵体配有安装底座,使用极为方便。
GW: How do students pursuing visual effects as a career approach parents that want them to be a doctor or lawyer? 学生要如何在父母亲希望他们成为医生或者律师的情况下追求视觉艺术当自己的职业?
If you are going to do GW on your dog the easiest way is with a dog crate. 如果想要对狗儿进行GW训练,一个简单的方法是使用一个狗笼。
GW: Drawing the line is probably not the most useful metaphor. 温伯格:划分界限也许并不是最有用比喻说法。
Each main cable of the GW Bridge can withstand the pull of a hundred and eighty million pounds. 每根主绳索能经受180000000磅的重量。
GW: If you blame your employees, youre a bad manager. 温伯格:如果你抱怨你的员工,那么你是一个不善于管理的经理。
GW: It starts with the developers, and managers, too. 温伯格:始于开发人员,也始于管理者。
In February, we are having another workshop at GW in DC. 二月份在华盛顿D。C。,还有另一个讲习班。
According to Electrodynamics in curved spacetime, the interaction between gravitational waves ( GW) and electromagnetic ( EM) fields will produce perturbative electromagnetic fields. 根据弯曲时空中的电动力学,引力波和电磁场相互作用时将产生扰动电磁场。
In order to make polynaphthalenesulphonate in aqueous solution absorb to coal surface, GW, WG promoters were developed by a lot of experiments. 为使游离在水中的萘磺酸缩甲醛吸附到煤表面,经过大量的探索性试验,研制出GW和WG两种水煤浆分散剂的助剂。
In January GW Pharmaceuticals, the British producer of Sativex, announced research which suggests that a version of the drug might relieve pain in conditions other than multiple sclerosis. 英国Sativex生产商GW医药公司1月还宣布将研制药物,它可除多发性硬化症之外多种疾病引发的疼痛。
To diagnose renal injury of elder patients, especially accompanied with coronary heart disease, the renal injury induced by GW should be carefully distinguished. 对于中老年患者的肾损害,尤其是合并有冠心病中老年患者的肾损害应注意除外冠心苏合丸所致肾损害。
China now has11 nuclear reactors in operation, with a total nuclear power installed capacity of9.08 gW. 目前中国共有11个正在运转的核反应堆,核电装机容量达90.8亿千瓦特。
The application of GW contact type hydrocarbon detecting technology in drilling safety GW接触式烃类检测技术在钻井安全上的应用
In chapter two, we elaborate the theories of GW approximation. 第二章中,我们详细的介绍了GW近似的理论方法。