In contrast to haas, he is a delight. 和哈斯大不一样,他却是一个令人愉快的人。
Haas was a top student in his class, but now he is too big for his boots. 哈斯在班上是最好的学生,但现在他太目中无人了。
Haas isn't much at the best of times. 条件再好哈斯也没有什么出息。
Haas has a glass jaw. 哈斯太脆弱了。
Haas waved his hand toward the house. 哈斯朝那座房子挥手。
Haas occupied himself in writing his research paper. 哈斯忙于写他的调查报告。
Haas identified the suspect by the scar on his face. 哈斯通过那人脸上的伤疤证明了自己对他的怀疑。
He soaked Haas on the button. 他猛击哈斯的下巴。
So many thoughts of Haas were now crowded into her mind, all at once. 对哈斯的种种思念一下子涌上她的心头。
The two were recent MBA graduates from the Haas School of business at UC-Berkeley who together founded magoosh, an Online Test Prep Company. 他们两人刚刚从加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(HaasSchoolofBusinessatUC-Berkeley)获得MBA学位,一起创办了一家叫Magoosh的在线备考公司。
The pair first met in 2008 at an admit weekend at the Haas School of business at the University of California at Berkeley. 两人第一次见面是在2008年加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院举办的一个周末招生咨询会上。
A retired serial entrepreneur, Steve teaches at Stanford University, U.C.Berkeley's Haas School of Business and Columbia. 布兰科曾创立过多家新创企业,目前已退休。他在斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(HaasSchoolofBusiness)和哥伦比亚大学授课。
Has the loss to Tommy Haas actually been a blessing in disguise to give you that time? 是不是在库扬精英赛半决赛输给托米·哈斯反而让你有了更多的时间呢?
Click the entry for first employee, Christine Haas. 在第一个员工条目ChristineHaas上点击。
After the meeting, Haas received an email from him reading: Hey G. I will not leave Berlin without having sex with you. 会议结束后,哈斯收到了可达发来的邮件,邮件写道,嘿,G,不把你上了我是不会离开柏林的。
However, internships for the Haas MBA class of 2007 show a slightly different pattern. 然而,哈斯商学院2007届MBA毕业生的实习情况却略有不同。
Einstein de haas effect Cadmus obtained in marriage Harmonia, the daughter of VENUS. 爱因斯坦德哈斯效应卡德摩斯娶了维纳斯的女儿哈耳摩尼亚为妻。
Starcraft as a college subject isn't new; California-Berkeley offered a course on competitive Starcraft through its renowned Haas School of Business. “星际争霸”游戏出现在大学课程中并不是第一次了,之前加州大学伯克利分校就在著名的哈斯商学院开设“竞技游戏星际争霸”的课程。
Was coach Haas at the PEP rally? 他去了赛前动员会没?
In the match, Tommy Haas from Germany has fully demonstrated his superior skills in ground strokes. 这场比赛中,德国选手汤米哈斯充分展示了他击落地球的高超技艺。
Where would coach Haas be right now? haas教练现在会在哪儿?
The technology sector, she adds, is the most active and Haas expects this to continue this year. 她补充称,科技行业最为活跃,哈斯商学院预计这一趋势今年仍将持续。
These are police officers, Miss Van den haas. 他是警官,哈斯小姐。
Haas Effect and Its Applications on Design of Architecture Acoustics and Public-address System 哈斯效应在建声和扩声系统设计中的应用
Jere Haas of Cornell University in the United States and colleagues gave nuns in the Philippines an iron-rich variety of rice to integrate into their diet. 美国康奈尔大学的JereHaas和他的同事为菲律宾的一群修女提供了一种富含铁元素的稻米,让她们把这种稻米作为饮食的一部分。
Brooks gave the business when Haas caught him with his watch. 哈斯抓到偷他的手表的布鲁克斯时,狠狠地揍了他一顿。
Haas was afraid that if he failed his examinations again, he would be kept down next year. 哈斯担心他如果再考不及格,下一年就得留级了。
Now in its third year at London Business School, the course has also run at Columbia, New York, and may soon become part of the MBA programme at the Haas School at Berkeley. 如今,这门课程已经在伦敦商学院(lbs)开设了3年,同时也在纽约哥伦比亚大学的商学院开设,也许不久还会成为加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(haas)mba课程的一部分。
Our Welsh Development Agency haas set up an office in China. 我们的威尔士工商发展局已经在中国设立了办公室。
That is why Haas is completely revamping its MBA syllabus. 这正是哈斯商学院彻底改写其mba教学大纲的原因。