Sports games could not only foster students characters of esprit, bravery and hardiness, but also improve their habitues and abilities of basic activities. 戏可以培养学生的机智、敢、强等意志品质,并能提高学生的各项身体素质和基本活动能力。
Thirdly, on the level of urban citizens, the investigation concerns the "stigmatization" circumstances that migrant workers as "newcomers" have gone through for the reasons that their original native habitues are not acceptable to the public citizens. 城市市民层面,调查研究农民工作为新来者,其原有的乡土惯习不为市民所接受而遭受污名化境遇。
It is not the habitues self, but the strategies causing our activity, which emerge from the mutual effect of the habitues and the field, taking the capitals of certain field as the purpose. 在实践中,不是惯习本身产生了我们的行为,而是它与场域相互作用产生的,以获得特定场域中可得到的资本形式为目的的行为策略产生了行为。