The Pacific Ocean Hagfish has a disgusting way of defending itself. 太平洋的八目鳗类鱼自卫的方式有点让人作呕。
The hagfish, unfortunately, sometimes falls prey to its own defense mechanism, but normally it twists itself into knots to escape the gelatinous goop. 不幸的是,有时候,八目鳗类鱼会成为自己防卫机制的受害者。但通常情况下,它会把自己拧成几节,然后从粘液中逃脱。
VLRs are leucine-rich repeat ( LRR) proteins that mediate adaptive immunity in jawless vertebrates ( hagfish and lamprey). 可变淋巴细胞受体是富含亮氨酸重复序列(leucine-richrepeat,LRR)蛋白,调控无颌类脊椎动物(八目鳗和七鳃鳗)的获得性免疫。