Even so, Mr. Morgen knows that his film has a stigma to overcome: Authorized documentaries are usually hagiography. 尽管如此,摩根也知道自己的影片还要克服一个困难:授权纪录片通常会把主人公神圣化。
Making good use of his natural gifts and of the circumstances in which he found himself," M "produced a book unique, so far as my knowledge goes, in the literature of hagiography. 在充分发挥自己的天赋才能的环境下,他找到了自己。“M”只出版了一本书,正如我所知,在圣徒言行录的文献上。
There is a genre of literature that details the lives of saints, Hagiography, but that came later and is largely something we find in the Christian era. 有种文学体裁就是专门细节记录圣人生活的,圣徒传记,不过这出现的比较晚,而且大多是在基督公元之后。