Displacement Calculations for a Vertical Rectangle Subjected to Horizontal Loading in an Elastic Half-Space 弹性半空间内竖向矩形面上作用均布水平力的位移计算
Because of the complexity, the analysis of mid-thick round plate and conical shell on the elastic half-space foundation is few. 鉴于问题的复杂性,就目前对课题的已有研究来看,对弹性半空间地基上中厚圆板、圆锥壳的分析还不多见。
Out-of-plane Seismic Response of a Canyon in Layered Half-space 层状半空间中凹陷地形出平面地震响应
The parametric studies conducted here give an insight into the mechanism of wave propagation in an elastic half-space under moving loads. 通过具体算例,对荷载移动速度、观测点深度、观测点距离等参数的影响效果进行了细致的分析。
Influence of Underground Cavity in Layered Half-space on Earthquake Ground Motions 层状半空间中洞室地形对地震动的影响
The Bending and Vibration of Orthotropic Rectangular Thin Plates on an Elastic Half-space 弹性半空间地基上正交各向异性矩形板的静动力分析
The elastic layered half-space soil model is established in the cylindrical coordinates. 建立了柱面坐标系下分层弹性半空间地基土模型。
Scattering of Rayleigh wave from irregular obstacles in elastic half-space 弹性半空间不规则异质体引起的瑞利波散射
To investigate high-speed train induced subground vibrations, viscoelastic half-space under moving loads was used to model the subground under passing trains. 分别以移动荷载和黏弹性半空间体模拟运动列车荷载和地基,分析了地基在运动列车作用下的动力响应。
The frequency domain response of single pile embedded in half-space saturated soil and subjected to Rayleigh waves was investigated. 研究了频域内半空间饱和土中单桩在瑞利波作用下的动力响应。
Scattering of SH-wave to the circular cavity in the half-space with elastic constraint acting on the straight boundary 弹性约束半空间内浅埋圆孔对SH波的散射
The general bending of moderately thick circular plate on an elastic half-space was investigated. 本文对各向同性弹性半空间地基上中厚度圆板一般弯曲问题进行了系统的分析。
Some Properties of Limit for Poisson Integral in the Upper Half-Space 上半空间Poisson积分的一些极限性质
United solution of asymmetric half-space problem for transversely isotropic elastic body 横观各向同性体非轴对称半空间问题的统一解
Dynamic response of Initially Stressed Moderately Thick Plates with four free edges resting on tensionless elastic half-space foundations 无拉力弹性半空间地基上预应力四边自由中厚板的动力响应
Dynamic Green's function of concentrated vertical load and dilatational point source in 3-D half-space 三维半空间中竖向集中力与膨胀点源的动力格林函数
An accurate and efficient method for computing Sommerfeld type integrals is crucial in the analysis of the electromagnetic waves for radiators and scatters in the presence of a conducting half-space. 精确有效地计算索末菲尔德型积分是分析导电媒质半空间电磁波辐射和散射问题的关键。
Scattering of SH-wave by interface crack and neighbouring circular cavity in bi-material vertical half-space 垂直半空间界面裂纹及附近圆孔对SH波的散射泰罗斯业务垂直探空器
Study of Parallel FDTD Algorithm and EM Scattering in Layered Half-space FDTD并行算法及层状半空间散射问题研究
Scattering of P_1 Waves in a Layered Half-Space under Different Saturated Conditions 不同透水条件下半空间自由场对入射P1波的散射
Lamb's Problem for Unsaturated Soils Half-Space Under Vertical Concentrated Surface Load 垂直集中表面荷载作用下非饱和土半空间中的Lamb问题
Dynamic analysis for scattering of SH-wave by circular cavities near bimaterial interfaces in a vertical half-space SH波入射时垂直半空间中双相介质界面附近圆孔的动力分析
An Analytical Solution for Scattering and Diffraction of Plane-SV-waves by a Cylindrical Lined Cavity in Half-space of Saturated Soil 饱和土半空间中地下圆形衬砌洞室对平面SV波的散射
A semi-analytical approach is used to study the torsional vibration of a rigid circular foundation resting on poroelastic half-space subjected to obliquely incident SH waves. 利用半解析的方法研究了饱和地基表面刚性圆形基础在倾斜入射SH波作用下的扭转振动问题。
The Influence of Local Inclusions in Layered Half-space on the Earthquake Ground Motions 层状半空间中局部夹塞对地震动的影响
Scattering of P waves by a local nonhomogeneous body in a layered half-space 层状场地中局部不均体对平面P波的散射
The co-seismic fault slip distributions are further inverted using the elastic half-space homogeneous model with distributed slip model. 并进一步采用分布滑动模型,利用弹性半空间均匀位错理论反演得到同震断层滑动分布。
The total wave field in the saturated half-space is classified into free-field waves, rigid-body scattering waves and radiation scattering waves. 将土体中的波场划分为自由波场、刚体散射波场及辐射散射波场三部分。
Formulae of Force at a Point in the Interior of a Half-Space with Shear Modulus Linearly Varied with Depth 集中力作用于剪切模量沿深度线性变化的半空间的公式