Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence. 吉姆就快要拿到飞行员执照了。
On the basis that recognising the problem is halfway to a solution, Mulcahy's comments yesterday should be well received. 鉴于认识到问题的存在就相当于把它解决了一半,马尔卡希昨天的那番话应该会受到欢迎。
About the time the three climbers were halfway down, clouds blotted out the sun. 当这3个登山者下到半山腰的时候,云层遮住了太阳。
I started to watch the clock about halfway through the class. 课大约上了一半,我就开始不停地看时间。
Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing 烟抽到一半,她突然一阵猛咳。
He was halfway up the ladder 他正爬到梯子一半。
She was halfway down when she heard the noise. 她向下走到一半时,听到了响声。
By then, it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour. 那时已是10月,我们已经完成了行程的一大半了。
The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway. 民主党人愿意向总统作部分让步。
You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent 你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。
All I had to do was be halfway cool. 我要做的只是保持适度的冷静。
He pulled the cap halfway over his ears. 他压低帽子,盖住一半耳朵。
I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through. 我决定粉刷一下浴室的天花板,但干了一半就精疲力竭了。
The Newton Hotel is halfway up a steep hill. 丽东酒店位于陡峭的半山腰上。
It was a steep climb, so we rested for a while halfway up the hill. 因山势高峻,乃在山腰休息片时。
A house is halfway up the hill. 山的半中腰有一座房子。
We had got only halfway when it began to get dark. 走到半路,天就黑了。
The car broke down on the halfway. 车在半路坏了。
We must carry the experiment through to the end, not give up halfway. 这项试验一定要搞到底,不能半途而废。
He lost his way halfway to the shop. 他在去商店的半道儿迷路了。
Before the politician was halfway through his speech, the crowd cried him down. 这个政治家讲了还不到一半儿,听众便把他轰了下去。
Following the noise, we looked towards the East and saw a waterfall tumbling down from halfway up the mountain. 我们寻声向东望去,只见一片瀑布从半山腰里倾泻而下。
The horse that we were hoping to win began to move ahead halfway through the race. 我们希望在比赛中会赢的那匹马跑到半路就开始领先了。
The chess player confused the computer by making some irrational moves halfway through the game. 那个棋手在下到一半时走了几步不合常规的棋,弄得与他对弈的计算机无法应付。
Halfway up the hill, we sat down to catch our breath. 到了半山腰,我们坐下来舒气。
He was halfway down the ladder when he fell. 他下阶梯时,半路摔倒了。
He failed because he gave up halfway. 他失败了因为他中途放弃了。
Charlie said he's halfway through his analysis. 查理说他的分析进行了一半了。
The car broke down halfway, we were very anxious. 半道儿上汽车竟然抛锚了,我们急坏了。