哈利路亚(用于宗教唱诵和祷词中,意为赞美和感谢上帝) Hallelujah is used in religious songs and worship as an exclamation of praise and thanks to God.
EXCLAM 哈利路亚!(对期望已久的事发生表示高兴) People sometimes say 'Hallelujah!' when they are pleased that something they have been waiting a long time for has finally happened.
Seemed to be a long-awaited Hallelujah moment for the daily deal company, particularly after investor Amazon. 对这家团购网站来说,这似乎是一个期待已久、见证奇迹的时刻。
Whether they are they inspired by Huangshan or Zhanjiajie's famous peaks, the visual spectacle of the Hallelujah Mountains in "Avatar" needs no debate. 有的人说《阿凡达》里头的“哈利路亚山”的原型在黄山,有人则说是张家界的某座著名山峰,不论如何,这一道美丽的风景线不容置疑。
The government said the floating "Hallelujah Mountains" in the movie were inspired by the "Southern Sky Column," as a Hollywood photographer had spent time shooting there in2008. 政府声称阿凡达中漂浮的“哈利路亚山”原型来自南天柱,08年一个来自好莱坞的摄影师曾在此进行拍摄。
The "Southern Sky Column" in Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province had its name changed to "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain" in a ceremony yesterday, according to the Zhangjiajie government's official Website. 根据湖南省张家界政府网站上的报导,张家界风景区的“南天柱”已改名为“阿凡达哈利路亚山”。
You try to talk out the issue with your loved ones, thinking maybe another perspective can help you hallelujah your way to a solution. 你试图和你爱的人讨论这个话题,想着也许其他人的意见能帮助你顺风顺水地找到解决方法。
Frantic, he yelled "Hallelujah", and they came to a stop a foot from the edge. 他吓坏了,匆忙喊道:“哈里路亚。”他们在离悬崖只有一英尺的地方停了下来。
Hallelujah, we have an open door! 我们有一个敞开的门!
Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah from the heavens; praise him in the heights. 阿利路亚!你们要从天上赞美耶和华,要在高处赞美。
And the Holy Spirit says, Hallelujah, you are set free. 然后圣灵说,哈利路亚,你自由了。
Marlena smalls and the Hallelujah Singers will touch all US listeners with their heartfelt oral tradition through the magic of music. 马莉娜?史莫斯和哈利路亚合唱团将透过音乐的魔力,以他们真心的传统歌唱感动我们所有的听众。
Hallelujah! Praise jehovah, O my soul! 阿利路亚!我的魂哪,你要赞美耶和华!
I can hear the "hallelujah chorus." 我能听见“哈利路亚的合唱”
One mother led her beaten and frightened son to the preacher amid shouts of amen and hallelujah. 一位母亲在阵阵阿门和哈利路亚的叫声中,把她那被征服被吓坏的儿子领到教士面前。
Hello. There's a new born King. Hallelujah! 大家好这是新生之王者哈利路亚!
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah. 她让你在唇齿之间再次哈利路亚。
The Seven Stages Of Successful Unemployment: Or From Hell To Hallelujah! 失业成功的七个阶段:从地狱到哈利路亚!
They danced and sing: Hallelujah, Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords is alive! 他们欢欣鼓舞,高唱哈利路亚,万主之主、万王之王基督已复活!
The choir will be performing the Hallelujah chorus at the concert. 唱诗班将在音乐会上演出《哈利路亚大合唱》。
Tony rowed your boat ashore Hallelujah. 托尼划你的船靠岸,哈利路亚。
And you ll be living with the attitude of gratitude. hallelujah, anyway. 你便能以感谢的心过活,哈利路亚。
Hallelujah! For it is good to sing psalms to our god; for it is pleasant; praise is fitting. 阿利路亚!歌颂我们的神,这本为美善;赞美的话是合宜的。
The baffled king composing Hallelujah. 煎熬中的我王演奏哈利路亚。
Hallelujah! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in the firmament of His power. one who journeys to a sacred place. 1阿利路亚!你们要在神的圣所赞美?,在?显能力的穹苍赞美?。去神圣的地方朝圣的人。
When I die, Hallelujah, bye and bye. 当我死去的时候,哈利路亚,再,见。
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! 弟兄姊妹们,阿利路亚,赞美主!
Clap my hands, and stamp my feet, and slap my knees and shout Hallelujah. 鼓掌跺脚拍膝并高呼哈利路亚。
The angel who announces the King of Kings Hallelujah! 王中之王,哈利路亚!
Let everything that has breath praise jehovah. hallelujah! 凡有气息的,都要赞美耶和华。阿利路亚!
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah. 我们每一次的呼吸都是代表了哈利路亚。