One 29-year-old male patient suffered from serious cerebral infarction a kind of stroke whilst one 30 year-old man started hallucinating after an all-night session and jumped out of a second floor window. 一个29岁的男病患得了严重的脑梗死即一种中风症,还有一个30岁的男子通宵看球之后,产生了幻觉、从二楼的窗户里跳了下去。
The sign-language interpreter accused of making up hand gestures at Nelson Mandela's memorial said Thursday that he is schizophrenic and was hallucinating at the time. 被指在曼德拉(NelsonMandela)葬礼上胡乱比划的手语翻译周四称,他当时突发精神分裂症,产生了幻觉。
I was probably just hallucinating. 那只是麻药让我产生了幻觉。
The algorithm designed a tensor structure to represent image features and shows the detailed process of hallucinating face reconstruction. 提出了基于数学形态学的幻想脸重建算法,设计了表达图像特征的张量结构,介绍了幻想脸的重建步骤。
Of course, with this bump on my head, I'm probably hallucinating. 当然,依我眼光看来,我可能被迷倒。
Now I knowyou're hallucinating. 现在我知道你是个妄想狂了。
An Approach to Hallucinating Faces Based on Pyramid Strategy 一种基于金字塔策略的人脸超分辨率方法
She barked at me and I knew she must be hallucinating. 她冲着我咆哮,我知道她肯定是生幻觉了。
What part of hallucinating an alien abduction isn't neurological? 外星人绑架幻觉还不是神经症状?
Cerebral cortex responded normally. she's not hallucinating. 大脑皮层灰质应答如常,没有幻觉。
I might have I might have been hallucinating. 我可能出现幻觉了。
They were hallucinating, having out-of-body experiences. 使他们产生幻觉,以为自己灵魂出窍了。
What else am I hallucinating? 我的幻觉中还有什么?
I started to worry that either I was hallucinating or I wasn't looking at the faces in the proper way to get a good feel for their definition. 我开始担心要么是我的幻觉,要么那就是看图方法不对而没能看准。
She's been hallucinating with a7-year-old boy who keeps saying she's killing him. 这就使爱莉更迷茫了。爱莉产生幻觉有一个7岁的男孩不断的说她正在杀他。
A novel two-step approach to hallucinating faces based on the MAP criterion is presented in this paper. 本文提出了一种基于MAP准则的两步人脸图像分辨率增强新算法。