She sells handicrafts to the tourists. 她向游客出售手工艺品。
They have a handicraft. 他们有手艺。
Traditional handicraft techniques are being steadily improved. 传统的手工艺技术不断革新。
It is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出产手工艺品而闻名。
Own a batch of adept technical worker of handicraft and excellent administration team. 拥有一批工艺娴熟的技术工人和优秀的管理队伍。
Qing Dynasty palace small handicraft sculpture manufacture technology achieves the world leading level; 清代宫廷小型工艺品雕塑制作技术达到世界领先水平;
This is my handicraft. 这是我的手工艺品。
The development of the handicraft industry promoted market economy and urbanization. 手工业的发展刺激了市场经济以及城市化进程。
The method of the traditional collections and exchange information passes the handicraft to complete. 传统的收集和交换信息的方法是通过手工来完成的。
First of all, promoting, protecting and furthering indigenous handicraft skills and design culture. 利用先进的技术手段宣传、保护和传承本土的手工技艺和设计文化。
They began to sell their art in handicraft markets and on the Internet. 他们开始在手工艺市场上及网路上卖他们的美术作品。
Fortunately these clay figurines have become famous handicraft articles. 不过,这些泥人却成了举世闻名的工艺品。
At the same time, also creates the development creativity product and the tourist souvenirs, the traditional handicraft. 同时,也创作开发创意产品及旅游纪念品、传统工艺品。
During the full day tour, Chinese traditional handicraft silk carpet factory will be arranged for sightseeing. 旅游过程中,同时安排中国传统手工艺丝毯厂参观购物。
The development of Mongolian folk handicraft manifested Mongolian's struggleration and harmony with the natural environment. 蒙古族民间手工艺的发展体现了蒙古人与自然环境的斗争与和谐。
The peasants and the handicraft workers were the basic classes which created the wealth and culture of this society. 而在这样的社会中,只有农民和手工业工人是创造财富和创造文化的基本的阶级。
Is a development, design, production and distribution company as one of the handicraft industry. 是一家集开发,设计,生产,经销为一体的工艺品实业公司。
The second great division of labor took place: handicraft separated from agriculture. 于是发生了第二次大分工:手工业和农业分离了。
Southwest is the largest handicraft production and sales as one. 是西南地区最大的工艺品制作和销售为一体。
Heritage and development of brocade of traditional handicraft, explore the inheritance and development problems with enlightenment. 对云锦传承与发展的探索,对传统手工艺的传承与发展问题具有启示意义。
They've started a new handicraft class at the community centre. 他们在社区中心开设了一个新的手工艺班。
A skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft. 一个从事一些手艺或手工艺品的技术工人。
This is vitally important improvement and innovation in ways of producing the nation handicraft products. 提高了生产效率、降低了成本和废品率,是民族工艺品生产方法的改进、创新。
Jewelry industry from the jewelry, handicraft industry, synthetic form separated a new industry. 饰品行业是从珠宝首饰、工艺礼品行业中分离出来,综合形成的一个新兴产业。
Historically, Jiaxing agriculture, handicraft industry, a high level of technology, and more to create. 历史上,嘉兴的农业、手工业技术水平高,且多创造。
The development of handicraft industry provided material base and social promo ting force. 工场手工业的发展为工业革命提供了物质基础和社会促进力量;
Secondly, developing new design products through traditional handicraft culture. 利用传统手工艺文化开发新的设计产品。
Jew engages in agriculture, digs up a great deal of badlands; They also dabble in handicraft industry; 犹太人从事农业生产,开垦了大量的荒地:他们也广泛涉猎手工行业;
It is a famous local handicraft in Beijing region. 这是一个著名的地方工艺品在北京地区。