Introduced earlier this year, the operating system is initially aimed at low-cost handsets in developing markets. 这款于今年早些时候推出的操作系统最初瞄准的是新兴市场中的廉价手机。
Sophisticated handsets have created a surge in data consumption as well. 这些高级手机设备带动了数据消费的飙升。
According to IDC Japan, the iPhone was the No. 1 best-seller for 2012 in both handsets and smartphones. 市场调研公司IDC日本的数据显示,iPhone是2012年日本最畅销的手机及智能手机。
BlackBerry phones once inspired strong loyalty among customers, but more and more have defected to iPhones or Android phones even as BlackBerry countered with new handsets like the Q10 and the Z10. 黑莓手机一度赢得了客户牢固的忠诚度,然而,即便黑莓推出了Q10和Z10等新机型,越来越多的客户还是投向了iPhone或安卓手机的怀抱。
HTC reportedly plans to incorporate the technology into future handsets. 据报道,HTC计划未来将Beats公司的技术整合到自己的手机产品里。
I made calls from the handsets by first choosing which of the paired cellphones to use. 我首先选择了与哪一部手机相连,然后用无绳电话拨打电话。
A built-in intercom system lets handsets communicate with the other or the base station. 内置的对讲系统能让无绳电话听筒之间或与基站之间进行联络。
Huawei has already moved into smartphones, with cheaper handsets that put pressure on companies like Taiwan's HTC. 华为已经进入智能手机市场,其生产的更为廉价的智能手机给台湾的宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTC)等企业造成了压力。
But when BlackBerry handsets began to fall out of favor, BBM was released on other platforms. 但黑莓手机开始失宠后,BBM开始在其他平台上发布。
With the deal, Alibaba will be able to push its mobile operating system on more handsets. 凭借这笔交易,阿里巴巴将能把自己的移动操作系统推向更多的手机。
The number of td-compatible handsets offers a fraction of the choice available to consumers for the other 3G standards. 兼容td标准的手机数量为消费者提供了一些选择其他3g标准的机会。
Last year its customers could choose from about 40 TD-SCDMA handsets. 去年,该公司用户可以挑选的td-scdma手机约有40种。
By contrast, iPhones and Android handsets are multi-media devices that can also be used for phone calls and messaging. 相比之下,iPhone和Android手机属于多媒体设备,也可以用来打电话和发信息。
Tawkon's application is already available for BlackBerry handsets and will be launched for Android-based phones and Nokia's Symbian later this year. Tawkon的应用程序现在可在黑莓手机上应用,适用于Android手机和诺基亚Symbian手机的版本将于今年晚些时候发布。
It works across different handsets and phone operators. 它可以在各种手机和电话运营商的系统上工作。
At major mobile phone stores in Beijing, most Nokia handsets are discounted. 在北京大型的手机店,很多诺基亚手机都打折了。
Android handsets now outsell Nokia smartphones and the BlackBerry in the US. 在美国,Android手持设备的销量现在高于诺基亚智能手机和黑莓。
We are an internet company, he said. We are not in the business of only making handsets. 他说:我们是一家互联网公司,我们的业务不仅仅包括手机制造。
The two groups already operate in the UK market, selling their Android-run handsets branded by telecoms operators. 这两家集团之前已在英国市场拥有业务,销售电信运营商品牌的Android系统手机。
Unicom said the handsets 'manufacturers would choose which search engines to use instead. 联通称,将由手机制造商决定采用什么搜索引擎作为替代。
Sony Ericsson indicated that European consumers were buying fewer new mobiles to replace their existing handsets than previously expected. 索尼爱立信表示,欧洲消费者购买新手机替换现有手机的数量低于先前预期。
This includes telecoms, where Huawei and ZTE sell equipment for operators as well as handsets for consumers. 在其中的电信领域,华为(huawei)和中兴通讯(zte)向运营商出售设备,向消费者销售手机。
Buying MMS handsets and enjoying new senses in seeing, hearing and communicating of MMS has become a fashion. 购买彩信手机,享受彩信在视觉、听觉和信息沟通上的全新感受,正成为一种新的时尚。
The Internet has already wrought profound changes in the way mobile handsets are defined. 互联网已经给手机的定义带来了深刻的变化。
But there are other advantages, including expertise and speed in getting handsets to market. 不过,这里还有其它优势,包括专业知识和将手机推向市场的速度。
China Mobile wants so-called dual-mode handsets capable of running on both its 3G and 2G wireless networks. 中国移动想要能够同时在其3G和2G无线网络上运行的双模手机。
This way, lower-cost handsets are also possible for highly flexible applications. 这样即使是低成本的手机也可以具备高度灵活的应用。
The abolition of royalties should help smartphones become handsets for the masses. 特许权费的取消应能够帮助智能手机成为大众化手机。
Currently, most compatible phones are Nokia with support for a small number of Panasonic and Samsung handsets. 目前,大多数手机是诺基亚支持少量的松下和三星手机。
But most of today's applications need handsets with robust computing power, limiting their potential market. 但现在的大多数手机应用都需要手机拥有强大的运算能力,这限制了它们的潜在市场。