Bonnie was showing off to her friends, doing handstands on the grass. 邦尼向朋友们炫耀,在草地上拿大顶。
Example: twenty dwarves took turns* Doing handstands on the carpet. 例如二十个侏儒轮流倒立。
You know I'm going to have to start the handstands with fingertips. 你知道吗,我可能必须开始练习指尖倒立了。
His handstands were very impressive to me. 他的手倒力动作给我给下了很深的印象。
Mummy, I did three handstands in the playground today. 妈,今天我在操场上做了三次手倒立。
Benny can do handstands. 本尼会做手倒立。
There are handstands and game to play. 还有倒立和游戏可以玩。
I thought goose bumps were just my body hairs trying to do handstands. 我觉得起鸡皮疙瘩就是汗毛倒立。
Peggy showed off her new dancing steps and walter, not to be outdone in a matter of entertaining visitors, his prowess at handstands, cartwheels and backward somersaults. 佩吉卖弄了她的舞步,而沃尔特在讨好观众方面也不甘示弱,就拿出了倒立、横翻筋斗和后翻筋斗的拿手好戏。