n. 宿醉(过量喝酒后第二天的头痛以及恶心反应); 遗留的感觉; 沿袭下来的风俗(或思想等) hangover的复数
(醉酒后的)宿醉 If someone wakes up with a hangover, they feel sick and have a headache because they have drunk a lot of alcohol the night before.
N-COUNT 遗留观念(或习俗) Something that is a hangover from the past is an idea or way of behaving which people used to have in the past but which people no longer generally have.
As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine. 作为食品配给制的一种遗留影响,他们总把黄油和人造黄油混在一起吃。
The study by Flinders University in South Australia found Australia's heavy drinkers managed their hangovers better than light drinkers who claimed a higher number of sick days. 研究结果还表明,那些重度饮酒者在对自己酒量的掌握上做得要比那些酒喝得不多的同胞更好一些,后者请病假的次数要远远高于前者。
I dont condone anything in particular, but I will mention that hangovers dont necessarily do much harm: Hemingway would stay up late with his drink, but always rose at six in the morning to write ( standing up, incidentally). 我不会特别放纵什么事情,但是我要说,宿醉没有必要看得那么糟糕:海明威可以喝酒到很晚,但总会在早晨六点钟起床写作(顺便,站着写)
Good weather, hangovers and romantic trysts motivated some staff to lie about absences, the study found. 研究发现,好天气、宿醉和情侣约会都会促使员工撒谎请假。
Hangovers: high-grade wines and liquors use high-grade ingredients and better distillery methods. 宿醉:高浓度的酒和烈酒取用高档配料和更好的蒸馏工艺。
If youre hangovers extreme then youll need to wait a while before eating anything sweet. 如果你宿醉太厉害,那么你要等一会儿才能吃甜食。
Vietnam is also a significant consumer of wildlife, especially those yielding the ingredients for traditional medicine, such as rhino horn, which is used to treat everything from cancer to hangovers. 越南也是野生动物产品重要的消费国,特别是那些能够用来制造传统药材的动物产品,比如犀牛角。犀牛角被用来治疗从癌症到宿醉的各种疾病。
So hangovers from the last job tend to produce more intense honeymoons in the next job. 因此对上一份工作的疲乏感通常会在下一份工作上产生出更多的新鲜感。
The fresh, salty sea breeze was a panacea for all the effects of hangovers caused by Saturday night excesses. 清新又有一丝咸味的海风不啻是一种万能药,能够缓解周六晚上因尽情玩乐而引发的宿醉后的不适感。
Job honeymoons and hangovers are often forgotten by psychologists but well-known to employees. 工作新鲜期和工作疲乏期是经常被心理学家遗忘的,但是对雇员而言他们却是最清楚明白的了。
We're barely over our holiday hangovers and yet are already bombarded by ads shaming and shouting at us to lose all our holiday weight, join a gym, take a cleanse, get sixpack abs& no more excuses. 我们刚刚过了节日宿醉,但已经被羞辱喊叫的广告轰击要我们减去所有节日里的增重:加入健身俱乐部,清理肠道,练就6块腹肌-不需要更多的借口了。
Yesterday, Becks organised a lunch to ease the stag party's hangovers at a pizza restaurant in the Spanish capital. 当天中午,大卫在一家匹萨店点了一份午餐来清除通宵宴会的宿醉。
If you do not know about hangovers, for example, you will probably want to drink more than you should. 例如,如果你不了解宿醉,那么你可能想饮酒过量。
Everywhere, there was bomb damage, abandoned houses and the hangovers of wartime: old newsreel footage on the BBC, ration cards and the routine disciplines of the home front. 到处都有轰炸造成的破坏、废弃的房屋,以及种种战争的遗物:BBC上的老新闻片镜头、配额卡,还有大后方的日常纪律。
The scourging is supposed to improve the flow of blood, driving out toxins and curing all manner of ills, including hangovers. 自我折磨的目标旨在改善血液循环,排除体内毒素,治疗各种毛病,包括宿醉。
No one wants to make it look as if their children ( who, like hangovers, are self-inflicted) make them less reliable workers. 谁也不想给人这样的印象:她们的孩子(就象宿醉一样都是自己造成的)让她们成了不可靠的员工。
Sugar worsens the effect, so sweet cocktails are well known for the unpleasant hangovers they produce. 糖会让这种效果更糟糕,因此甜的鸡尾酒很出名,它能造成不舒服的宿醉。
To deal with their own hangovers, the US and the eurozone need to look at home. 美国和欧元区要解决自身的危机,必须着眼于国内。
So if hangovers, broken hearts, black moods, children and lost glasses don't work as excuses, what does? 如果宿醉、伤心、情绪糟糕、孩子没人带和眼镜丢了等不能作为借口,那什么还能算借口呢?
Tea's aiways good for hangovers. 茶对熬夜的人有好处。
It is particularly effective to those who have sleep disorders, bronchitis, coughs or hangovers. 对失眠、支气管炎、咳嗽或饮酒过量有特别疗效。
Unlike such eurozone economies as Spain, Ireland or Italy, which have housing hangovers and/ or competitiveness problems, Britain has exchange rate flexibility which will help rebalance the economy. 与拥有住房市场遗留问题和/或竞争力问题的西班牙、爱尔兰或意大利等欧元区经济体不同,英国的汇率弹性有助其恢复经济平衡。
According to one survey, 10m working days a year are lost to hangovers in the UK – which means close to 10m lies. 根据一项调查,英国宿醉者每年逃掉了1000万个工作日&这意味着有近1000万个谎言诞生!
This mysterious drink tantalized the European and North American with its purported ability to cure ailments ranging from headaches and hangovers. 网友的看法意见建议:这个神秘的饮料,其本是于欧洲和北美,医治的疾病包括头痛及宿醉。
Other nice things about lithium in your soda, it dispels hangovers, takes the ouch out of grouch. 汽水中的锂还有其他好处,它能消除宿醉,能缓解烦闷的情绪。
Medical science study confirms natural extract effective on hangovers. 医学研究证实有效的天然提取物对遗留。
You're liable to give them hangovers. 你再吹他们就要宿醉了。
Does it really matter that a few working days are lost to hangovers? 工作狂不就是喜欢做自己爱做的事嘛。