Let us sell the field on which Hannibal is encamped. 让我们把汉尼拔驻军的营地卖了吧。
The series will feature the characters known from Thomas Harris 'novel Red Dragon-FBI Agent Will Graham and Dr. Hannibal Lecter, who were portrayed by Edward Norton and Anthony Hopkins, respectively, in the movie version of Red Dragon. 该系列采用的被人熟知的托马斯哈里斯小说《红龙》里的角色联邦调查局特工格雷厄姆和汉尼拔博士,在电影版的《红龙》里,由爱德华诺顿和安东尼霍普金斯出演。
Hannibal fans can relax& because NBC has officially renewed the serial killer drama for a second season. 《汉尼拔》的粉丝们可以放松了因为NBC已经正式续订这部杀手剧集的第二季。
I remember a story about Hannibal fighting a rock. 我想起了汉尼拔和巨石作战的故事。
The person I'm looking for who is indeed shown on that tape is Hannibal Lecter. 我正在找一个名叫汉尼拔。莱克特的人,他在那盒录像带里出现过。
But when Hannibal set the elephants free in the Roman ranks, the animals took the easier route and ran the other way! 然而,当汉尼拔把大象放入罗马士兵阵中时,这些大象选择了更容易的途径,从另一条路逃跑了!
A battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius. 公元前217年在汉尼拔伏击Flaminius领导的一支罗马军队的一次战斗。
The fugitives included the colonel's wife, two of his sons, Hannibal and Muhammad, and his pregnant daughter Aisha, who promptly gave birth in an Algerian hospital. 逃亡者包括卡扎菲的妻子,他的两个儿子,汉尼拔和穆罕默德,以及他怀孕的女儿,艾莎,她在阿尔及利亚的一家医院产下了孩子。
You don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head. 你不想莱达汉尼博知道你的思想的。
Yeah, I know more about ancient Carthage than Hannibal himself. 是啊,我对古迦太基的了解,比汉尼拔他自己还多。
Hannibal Lecter: Where were you going, Clarice? 汉尼拔:史黛琳,你要去哪?
Hannibal lecter: but you could and you did, didn't you? 汉尼拔:但是你可以,不是吗?
But I have to say that of all the characters I have dubbed the two hardest where Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs and Ray Charles in Ray. 不过我不得不说,我配过的最困难的两个角色当属《沉默的羔羊》中的汉尼拔博士和《灵魂歌王》中的雷。
Hannibal Lecter: No "just", Clarice. What set you off? You started at what time? 汉尼拔:没那么简单,克拉丽斯。是什么让你出走,什么时候发生的?
Hannibal's uncle, a noted painter, finds him in a Soviet orphanage and brings him to France, where Hannibal will live with his uncle and his uncle's beautiful and exotic wife, Lady Murasaki. 汉尼拔的叔叔是位著名的画家,他在一家苏联孤儿院里找到了汉尼拔并将他带到了法国,在那儿,汉尼拔和他的叔叔以及其叔叔那来自国外的、美丽的妻子穆拉莎奇女士住在一起。
He was blessed with the Patience of Fabius, yet his offensive campaigns were respected by Hannibal. 他有着费边的耐心,同时他的攻势也得到汉尼拔的尊敬。
At this time in the war Rome was as afraid of Hasdrubal as it was Hannibal. 这在罗马引起了恐慌,罗马人害怕他是第二个汉尼拔。
He says Snow Storm: Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps. 而是命名为《暴风雪&汉尼拔和他的军队翻越阿尔卑斯山》。
Luck was on Hannibal's side and when the Foragers returned Minucius was forced to retreat. 不过幸运站在了汉尼拔这一边,他的秣粮队将粮草运回了营地,米努西乌斯不得不撤退。
Hannibal lecter: just my freedom. you'd take that from me. 汉尼拔:只是我的自由。你已经从我这夺走了。
Hannibal Lecter: Given the chance, you would deny me my life, wouldn't you? 汉尼吁拔:一旦得到机会,你不会再让我生存下去,不是吗?
Mark Twain was born in Florida and spent his childhood in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River. 马克吐温出生在佛罗里达,并在密西西比河边密苏里州的汉尼拔尔度过了他的童年。
Would you want to be the clone of Hannibal, who devoured his victims after he murdered them? 你希望你是那个会吃人的汉尼拔的克隆吗?
Lady Murasaki helps Hannibal to heal. 穆拉莎奇帮助汉尼拔恢复了健康。
But now, the Algerian foreign ministry has said that Colonel Gaddafi's wife Safia, their daughter Aisha and sons Mohammed and Hannibal have all fled into Algeria. 但是现在,阿尔及利亚外交部表示,卡扎菲上校的妻子Safia,女儿Aisha,儿子Mohammed和Hannibal都已经逃到阿尔及利亚。
By the side of the general is his little son Hannibal, now nine years of age. 元帅旁边是他的小儿子汉尼拔,当时年方九岁。
Other characters to feature in the100-strong list include Margo Channing of All About Eve and Sir Anthony Hopkins'cannibal killer Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs. 入围100强的其他人物形象还包括《彗星美人》中的玛戈·钱宁和在《沉默的羔羊》中由安东尼·霍普金斯扮演的连环食人者汉尼拔·莱克特。
But hannibal's demons visit him and torment him. 但是,汉尼拔的恶魔们降临到他身上,折磨他。
Gong: she's a Japanese woman, and she was married to a frenchman, the uncle of the young hannibal. 巩俐:她是一个嫁给了法国人的日本女人,那个法国人是汉尼拔的叔叔。