The November air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter. 11月的空气刺痛了我的脸颊,预示着冬天就要来临。
Harbinger of a new day. 带来了崭新的一天。
Yet, each is just a harbinger of what's to come this year, as data of all sorts is assembled instantly by compelling applications. 而这每一个示例都只是今年的趋势的一个预兆,所有类别的数据都会被应用程序即时组装在一起。
Some commentators have taken all this as a harbinger of full capital-account convertibility. 一些评论员将上述情况视为资本账户可完全兑换的先兆。然而这个可能性并不大。
Many sense Iraq is also a harbinger. 很多人的感觉是,伊拉克还预示着未来。
If not its cause, others may wonder if the swooning equity market is the harbinger of economic distress. 如果说股市暴跌不是经济萧条的元凶,那么人们可能想知道,它是否是经济低迷的先兆。
The shift of deposits and money out of Scotland this week is a harbinger. 上周存款和资金流出苏格兰,就是一个兆头。
Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement. 鲁迅将永远作为中国新文化运动的光辉先驱受人歌颂。
Still, France's left is casting the results from Sunday's vote as a harbinger of two bigger elections next year-for the presidency and lower house. 尽管如此,星期天的投票预示着法国的左派在明年两个更大的选举成绩,这两个选举就是总统选举和国民议会选举。
For the Maya, a smoking volcano wasn't always a harbinger of doom. 对于玛雅人而言,一座冒烟的火山并不永远意味着厄运的凶兆。
A stronger dollar has historically proved to be the harbinger of turmoil in the developing world. 传统上,美元走强被证明是发展中国家陷入动荡的预兆。
But others believe rising food prices are the harbinger of broader inflationary pressures created by the huge monetary stimulus China has embarked on during the past two years. 但另一些人认为,食品价格上涨是全面通胀的前兆,而正是过去两年里中国实施的大规模货币刺激措施催生了通胀压力。
His exit is a harbinger of an impending reversal in the recent decline in CEO turnover rates. 他的出局预示着,近来CEO流动率有所下降的局面即将出现逆转。
Sany is not a typical Chinese company, but it is a harbinger of things to come. 三一重工不是一家典型的中国企业,但它代表着未来的方向。
Without that change, the resolution of this crisis can only be the harbinger of the next. 不做出这一改变,这场危机的解决只能预示着下一场危机的到来。
Mistrust of the government making this request could be the harbinger even the cause of national decline. 不信任提出这种请求的政府,可能成为国家衰落的先兆(甚至是原因)。
In the absence of policy change the credit squeeze could be regarded as a harbinger of a Chinese crash to come. 如果没有政策上的变化,这场信贷紧缩可能会成为未来中国金融危机的预兆。
An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering rapid weapon strikes. 一位恶魔的先驱者,引导符文力量和给与快速的武器攻击。
The massive cloud that converges in the firmament above is a hulking harbinger of China's impending change. 汇聚在天空中的大朵白云成为中国即将发生的变化的拙劣先兆。
And you can certainly take precautions to make sure that a runny nose is not the harbinger of a more serious disease. 而且你必定可以采取预防措施来确认流鼻涕不是更严重的病的预兆。
Whether the recent break is a harbinger of trouble will dominate debate in the short term. 近日的突破是否预示着麻烦将至,这将成为短期内人们争论的热点。
Nonetheless, researchers say, the test is a harbinger of things to come. 虽然如此,研究者们称该测试是一个先驱。
The emergence of bigger and even more complex financial behemoths all too big to fail is a harbinger of crises to come. 更大、甚至更为复杂的金融“巨兽”的出现都因太大而不会破产是危机将要来临的预兆。
The bullish message was reinforced a day later when NSN clinched a$ 7bn deal with Harbinger Capital Partners, a New York hedge fund, to build and operate a new fourth-generation US mobile network. 仅仅一天之后,这一乐观情绪又得到了加强&NSN与纽约对冲基金HarbingerCapitalPartners达成了一项70亿美元的交易,将一同在美国建设并运营一个新的第四代移动网络。
Indeed, the public's rush into inflation-protected government bonds may be a harbinger of a future rise in inflation expectations. 事实上,目前通胀保值政府债券受到公众热捧,可能就是未来通胀预期上升的一个预兆。
But if foreign earnings have helped US multinationals stave off a fall in profitability, the question is whether the current reliance on the rest of the world is just a cyclical phase or the harbinger of a transformation in corporate America. 但如果说海外收入帮助美国的跨国企业避免了利润率的下降,那么现在的问题是,当前对世界其它地方的依赖究竟只是一个周期性阶段,还是美国企业界变革的预兆?
The sword is a harbinger of enmity and bitterness. 刀剑预示着仇恨和痛苦。
These celebrations harbinger social harmony and amity and preach the lofty Jain motto Live and Let live. 这些仪式预示着社会和谐,和睦,宣扬着崇高的耆那教教训生和放生。