ADJ-GRADED (报告、演讲)尖锐深刻的,直言不讳的 If you describe a report or speech as hard-hitting, you like the way it talks about difficult or serious matters in a bold and direct way.
In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms. 在向国际货币基金组织所作的一次言辞激烈的演讲中,他敦促第三世界国家实行彻底改革。
...a hard-hitting account of violence in the home. 对家庭暴力大胆深入的报道
In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms. 在向国际货币基金组织所作的一次言辞激烈的演讲中,他敦促第三世界国家实行彻底改革。
Instead write a hard-hitting summary with bullets that highlight key attributes, wins, skills, certifications and metrics. 相反,个人总结要有说服力,要突出自己的关键特质、所获奖项、技能、资质和指标。
His hard-hitting speech on the need for reform was a fairly typical example of his defiant attitude. 他以关于改革的必要性的强硬言词摆出了惯用的挑衅姿态。
In addition to reporting from behind a desk, they go out into the field to conduct hard-hitting interviews with important political and cultural figures. 播报新闻之余,他们还会走出演播室,对政要及文化名流进行深度访谈。
That doesn't mean you should throw all your hard-hitting questions out at the beginning. 但这并不意味着在一开始你就全盘抛出十分强硬的问题。
I think it's a metaphorical episode and the fact that we lost one of our leads was hard-hitting. 我认为这是隐喻性的一集,事实上,我们失去了一根强有力的引线。
It was a muscular, hard-hitting documentary. 那是一部气势雄伟的记录片。
In some cases, I welcome hard-hitting social photography – you can see this in many of my works – but there is a limit to everything, especially when showing people at the height of suffering. 当然,我也喜欢那些深刻反映社会现状的摄影作品你可以看看我的许多作品但任何手段都有其局限性,尤其是站在揭示人类痛楚这个高度上。
A hard-hitting report from the House of Common Health Commission has pushed the British government to introduce the traffic-light labeling. 英国下议院健康特别委员会出示了一份颇具分量的报告,使得英国政府开始全力推出红“绿灯标记法”。
It will provide hard-hitting, up-to-date information on the latest and most effective logistics technology tool to ensure success in the challenging times. 它将提供最新和最有效的物流技术工具上的强硬,到日期信息,以确保在充满挑战的时代的成功。
Yeah, they print jokes, interviews, hard-hitting journalism. it's not just about the pictures. 没错,他们登笑话,采访稿,有力的新闻,并不只是那些照片。
In a hard-hitting annual report the organisation, which oversees central banks and banking regulators, warned that the current financial market turmoil still threatened a severe slowdown as banks and individuals struggled to reduce debts. 该组织在一份措辞强烈的年度报告中警告称,当前金融市场动荡仍可能导致经济严重放缓,因为银行和个人都在竭力减少负债。
He struck an attitude of defiance with a typically hard-hitting speech. 他以惯用的强硬言词做出违抗的姿态.牛津式的、做作的演说姿势。
Hard-hitting videos popularize the standards, show the standards are feasible to attain even for poor families, and highlight the potential for schools and health posts to greatly improve outcomes. 通过视频大力宣传这些标准,展示这些标准即使对于贫困家庭也是可以实现的,强调学校和保健站有可能大大改善教育和健康状况。
The29-year-old is a hard-hitting defender for the Pittsburg Steelers club and attracted the attention of a shampoo company with his3-feet long, frizzy hair. 这位29岁的球星效力于匹兹堡钢人队,并以他90公分长且卷卷的“秀发”吸引了洗发水公司的注意。
In1969, a hard-hitting expose would shake the medical community out of its complacency. 1969年,一个突如其来的打击令医学界震惊。