Besides, the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while. 另外,《来自星星的你》主人公读的《爱德华的奇妙之旅》一度在亚马逊上一书难求。
Though Charlotte was determined to play hard-to-get, she didn't want to end the evening too abruptly. 夏洛特虽然想玩欲擒故纵,但也不愿就这样唐突地结束。
Another, NK News, has become a closely watched outlet for hard-to-get news about the country with a string of recent exclusives. 另外的一家叫做NKNews的媒体机构已经受到了密切关注,因为该机构常常能得到独家新闻,包括最近的一系列独家报道。
But I thought you were playing hard-to-get. 但我觉得你这是欲擒故纵。
We are in the business of oil and gas discovery and hard-to-get barrels. 我们从事的是油气勘探和难于开采的石油业务。
Nim had brought wine-a hard-to-get Heitz Cellar Cabernet. 尼姆来时带了酒来,是一瓶很难买到的赫艺老窖红葡萄酒。
B: Don't worry. She's just playing hard-to-get. 别担心。她只是在跟你玩捉迷藏。
Speaking of hard-to-get, I definitely think airplane food and the looks of the flight attendants top the list 说到“稀缺”,我认为飞机餐和空乘们的长相绝对是“当仁不让”啊
Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium. 紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。
Actually, I believe you're the one playing hard-to-get. 实际上,我觉得你才是欲擒故纵。
Well, I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get. 嗯,也许想跟我玩“养虎遗患”的游戏吧。
Many are eager for geocoded data and raw data from household surveys and Bank research, as well as hard-to-get sub-national and sub-regional data. 其中,很多人最希望得到标有地理编码的数据、入户调查和世行研究项目的原始数据以及难以得到的地方和次区域数据。
A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged. 非法或紧俏物资的销售点,或者非法换汇的地方。
Don't play hard-to-get and get on it. 别再扭扭捏捏了,直接上啊。
The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within-strength, courage, dignity. 我最想要的美是难得的那种来自内心&坚强,勇气,和尊严。
I don't like it when girls play hard-to-get. 当女孩子故作难求状时,我不喜欢。
Do boys like girls who enjoy playing hard-to-get? 男生会喜欢爱玩欲擒故纵游戏的女生吗?
The common case of hard-to-get double control target was found through the field experiment, and some suggestions were proposed. 另外通过现场试验,找出长索单端张拉过程中无法理想实现双控这一通病产生的原因,并为如何避免类似问题提出了建议。
China's entry into WTO starts its participation in economic globalization on a wider scale and at a higher level, which provides itself with a hard-to-get chance to fuel the national economy and develop the west region of the country. 加入WTO标志着中国开始更广泛、更深入地参与经济全球化,这将为中国经济的发展和西部大开发战略的实施提供有利时机。