Others think that the rules for what is 'musical' are hard-wired in our brains to some degree. 其他人认为,我们的大脑对什么东西是“悦耳的”在某种程度上有其内在的标准。
When it comes to crises, most of us are hard-wired to either fight or flee. 危机当头,大部分人首先想到的要么是抵抗,要么是逃跑。
As warm-blooded animals, humans are hard-wired to keep our body temperature at around 98 degrees Fahrenheit. 作为恒温动物,人类体温恒定地保持在36.7摄氏度左右。
In fact, some recent research suggests that we're actually hard-wired for helping. 事实上,最近的一些研究表明,我们实际上有帮助别人的本能。
Unfortunately, in most modeling tools available today, code generation patterns are typically hard-wired into the tool, providing very limited support for customizing the target code to be generated. 不幸的是,在现今可用的大多数建模工具中,代码生成模式一般是硬连接到工具中的,并且提供对要生成的目标代码的定制的非常有限的支持。
In the Java language as it exists today, external references to classes, such as the I/ O library classes and the like, are hard-wired references that cannot be altered without recompilation. 在Java语言中,类的外部引用,如I/O库类和类似类,都是硬连线引用,如未重新编译不能做任何更改。
The two invoke activities are hard-wired to target implementations in the assembly diagram. 在组装关系图中,两个调用活动硬连接到目标实现。
The default Geronimo deployer configuration has the JettyModuleBuilder hard-wired for this purpose. 默认的Geronimo部署程序配置有用于此用途的JettyModuleBuilder硬布线。
Legacy systems, performance, and other QoS attributes will tend to be constrained to use the most optimal access mechanism: whether pure services, hard-wired, or hybrid. 遗留系统、性能和其他QoS特性可能会阻碍使用最优的访问机制:不管是纯服务、硬编码连接或混合方法。
But how much of this is hard-wired, and how much do we pick up from others? To find out, researchers recorded the nonverbal sounds of people born deaf, as they responded to a range of positive and negative emotions. 但这些声音中有多少是我们天生懂得发出的,又有多少是我们后天学习而来的呢?为了找到答案,研究人员录下了先天耳聋者在积极情绪和消极情绪下发出的非语言声音。
We humans are hard-wired to maintain a positive self-image, and we tend to reject painful criticism. 人类的一种本能是维持正面的个人形象,我们拒绝让人难受的批评。
FLORENCE, Italy& WE think of our senses as hard-wired gateways to the world. 意大利佛罗伦萨&我们把自己的感官想成是通往世界的既定大门。
Some are hard-wired by genetics and early-life experience to react more fearfully to challenges. 有些人因为遗传因素和早年的生活经历根深蒂固,面对挑战时表现得比其他人更加害怕。
The response to freeze is completely hard-wired, so freezing shows us something about both predator and prey. 对冻结的反应是动物与生俱来的,所以冻结给我们展现的是捕食者和被捕食者双方的特性。
Playing is hard-wired genetically and it certainly fosters a lot of good things happening in the brain. 玩是与生俱来的,它培养了我们大脑里发生的很多好的事情。
Professor Gina Rippon said it was time to debunk the myth that gender differences are hard-wired into our brains. 吉娜·里彭(GinaRippon)教授说,是时候揭穿性别差异在我们大脑根深蒂固的神话了。
Through evolution, we're hard-wired to respond to fear with intensity. 通过进化,我们天生以强烈程度来响应恐惧。
That means the ability of those tumors to spread from the colon was hard-wired from their inception. 这意味着这些转移性肝肿瘤从结肠癌形成开始就已经具有这种能力。
As I told students in Chengdu, the United States is hard-wired for innovation. 我在成都告诉学生们,美国在创新方面得天独厚。
Public discussion is affected by genetics and what we're "hard-wired" to do. 大家的讨论是受基因和我们坚持要做的事情影响的。
Behavioural economists believe they have the answer: our brains are hard-wired to think short-term because evolution has rewarded serial short-term successes such as avoiding predators and other dangers that faced our ancestors. 行为经济学家相信他们找到了答案:我们的大脑天生就会从短期着眼,因为进化过程褒奖了一系列短期成就,比如躲避捕食者和我们祖先面对的其它危险。
They're just not hard-wired that way. 他们天生就不擅此道。
And I gotta believe it's hard-wired into your dna. 而且我也相信,你是拥有他的遗传的。
Recent scientific research suggests that many of these differences may be hard-wired in the brain. 最近的科学研究证明许多的差异在于大脑的构成不同。
"Feeling lucky" must be hard-wired into the human psyche. “觉得幸运”一定扎根于人类灵魂深处。
Women also appear to be hard-wired to look for men who have strong cheekbones and jaws& traits associated with testosterone. 女性似乎也天生寻找拥有高大的颧骨和颌骨的男人&与睾酮有关的特征。
The computer can be preprogrammed ( hard-wired) to draw macros. 计算机可按预编程序(硬线化)绘出宏指令表示的内容。
We are hard-wired to be able to remember thousands of faces, so what you communicate in your face, and how you represent yourself, is going to have huge impact. 我们生来就能记住成千上万张脸孔。因此你的脸上传达什么信息、你如何来呈现你自己有着巨大的影响。