PHRASE 采取强硬手段;绝不手软 If someone plays hardball, they will do anything that is necessary to achieve or get what they want, even if this involves being harsh or unfair.
She is playing hardball in a world dominated by men 20 years her senior. 她在一个由比自己大20岁的男人们主宰的世界里作风强硬。
She is playing hardball in a world dominated by men 20 years her senior. 她在一个由比自己大20岁的男人们主宰的世界里作风强硬。
It may be more difficult, but it pays to keep a cool head while playing hardball. 采取强硬立场的同时要保持头脑冷静,做到这一点可能会很难,但却很管用。
Sometimes you have to play hardball in a business negotiation. 有时在商务谈判中不得不采取强硬的态度。
'It's about time we played a little hardball,' Mr. Schumer said in an interview. 舒默在接受采访时说,到采取强硬手段的时候了。
The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed. When such a lady-killer is after you, do not play too much hardball. 那个女杀手把手上的血迹洗掉很久后,仍觉得手上血迹斑斑。像他这样的美女杀手都追你,就不要太清高了。
In the game of Russian Roulette last year that led to a US downgrade, the president played hardball and then changed his mind. 去年那场“俄罗斯轮盘”游戏导致美国评级被调低,当时总统态度强硬但后来也改变了立场。
You have got to play hardball. 你最好采取强硬措施。
When such a lady-killer is after you, don't play too much hardball. 像他这样的美女杀手都追你,就不要太清高了。
I pay my dues and these guys piay hardball. 我付钱让这些家伙努力工作。
Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball. 我们的竞争对手所用的战术表明他们要动真格了。
However, don't male the mistake of playing hardball, thinking you are irreplaceable or being unwilling to negotiate. 然而你也别犯了硬碰硬的错误,更别以为你是无可取代的,或不愿预留讨论转圜的空间。
So you're saying I should play hardball. 你的意思是我应该强硬一点。
He relishes political hardball-as he did helping Mr Bush during the 2000 election recount in Florida-as well as the technical aspects of disputes. 他非常喜欢政治强硬手段在2000年选举期间佛罗里达州重新计票时,他就是用这种方式帮助了布什,他还非常喜欢争论的技巧面。
If you want to win this game, now it's time to pay hardball. 如果你们想赢得这场比赛,是该奋力一搏的时候了。
If he want to play hardball with us, we can play that way, too. 如果他们对我们来硬的,我们也可以这样。
This line is part of a game of hardball, still in its early innings, that pits China and a loose coalition of developing countries against the already rich and long-polluting West. 这场游戏还处于初期阶段,对手是中国和一个松散的发展中国家同盟对垒已经变得富裕的、长期污染的西方。
The ad suggests that the US retailers are ready to play hardball and threatens to suck Alibaba into a political conflict before it launches an English-language version of its most popular site, Taobao. 该广告表明,美国零售商准备采取强硬态度,可能在阿里巴巴开通其最热门网站淘宝(Taobao)的英文版之前将其拖入一场政治冲突。
He's a nice guy but he can play hardball when he needs to. 他是一个和气的人,但在必要时,他也会变得强硬。
If Cfius is playing hardball because of Huawei's involvement, Bain could try to win over the authorities by offering to ditch all the American assets in return for approval. 如果美国外国投资委员会由于华为的介入而态度强硬,贝恩资本可以提议放弃(3Com)所有美国资产以换取批准,以此赢得这家监管机构的支持。
This guy's playing hardball. 这家伙耍手段了。
Just like private equity, distressed debt investors are used to playing hardball to get their way. 与私人股本公司一样,不良债务投资者也惯于使用强硬手段,随心所欲。
Love's Week in Preview: It looks like we may be playing hardball this weekend as the serious Capricorn Moon joins intense Pluto on Friday. 本周爱情运势预览:周末进入摩羯座的月亮合相冥王星,预示着我们会采取强硬的态度对待发生的事情。
Hardball is tough, not sadistic, they write. 我们说的是强硬,不是施虐,他们写道。
I want us to play hardball on this issue. 我希望我们在这个问题上不手软。
Another problem is that banks are playing hardball with smaller companies. 另外一个问题是目前银行对小企业态度强硬。
These threats were seen as hardball negotiating tactics by the Kremlin which has been vying for control in all large energy projects. 这些威胁被外界视为俄罗斯政府采取的强硬谈判战术,克里姆林宫方面一直在争取所有大型能源项目的控制权。
I'm gonna play hardball with witness protection. 我跟证人保护组来硬的。
I know Lex likes to play hardball. 我知道莱克斯这人喜欢来横的。
So the Mayor wants to play hardball, and we're getting caught in a squeeze play. 市长想要采取强硬措施,使我们陷入进退两难的局面。