N-COUNT (政党等团体中的)强硬派,拒不妥协者 The hardliners in a group such as a political party are the people who support a strict, fixed set of ideas that are often extreme, and who refuse to accept any change in them.
Unionist hardliners warned the U.S. President he would not be welcome... 统一派强硬分子警告美国总统,他是不会受欢迎的。
Given the results of the vote, is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress? 从选举结果来看,这是不是国会中强硬派的末日?
Unionist hardliners warned the U.S. President he would not be welcome 统一派强硬分子警告美国总统,他是不会受欢迎的。
The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides. 总统和议会之间正面冲突的唯一赢家将是双方的强硬派。
The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him 总统同意了强硬派的意见,以免他们产生赶他下台的念头。
The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle. 武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权。
The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets. 成千上万的强硬派分子走上街头示威,脆弱的和平局势危在旦夕。
It seems the President has given way to pressure from the hardliners 总统似乎已迫于强硬派的压力而妥协了。
Bombing Iran would more likely convince hardliners that a nuclear capability was the only sure guarantee against US-imposed regime change. 轰炸伊朗将更可能让强硬派相信,核武力量是对抗美国强加的政权更迭的唯一保证。
Opposition may also come from hardliners within his own party. 反对还可能来自他自己党派内的强硬派。
Political analyst Wafula Okumu, of the Institute for Security Studies in South Africa, says there are hardliners in the Kibaki government, who may view the West as an obstacle. 南非安全研究所的政治分析家奥库穆说,齐贝吉政府里有一些强硬派,他们可能把西方国家看成绊脚石。
There are also questions over whether this grand political bargain can keep the lid, short-term and long-term, on the infighting between Kremlin hardliners and more liberal factions. 另外,这桩重大政治交易能否(从短期和长期角度)掩盖俄罗斯政府内部强硬派与相对自由派系之间的暗斗。
But it is clear that America should do what it can to avoid giving ammunition to the hardliners. 但美国显然应尽力避免给中国强硬派送去弹药。
Local Islamic hardliners are calling for the three men to be executed. 当地的穆斯林强硬派要求执行三人的死刑判决。
What have the Nepali Congress hardliners done to this country? 尼泊尔大会党的强硬派为国家做了些什么?
Ray sheriff is a eyes not knead sand hardliners, he went to the whole event filled a layer of shadows. 雷警长是个眼里不揉沙子的强硬派,他的带队给整个事件笼罩了一层不详的阴影。
In short, while one can understand why Israeli hardliners might want the us to strike Iran, Washington has no interest in pursuing this course and Mr Obama should make this crystal clear to Mr Netanyahu. 总之,尽管人们可以理解以色列强硬派或许希望美国对伊朗实施打击,但华盛顿方面却并没有兴趣这么做,奥巴马应该让内塔尼亚胡清楚地了解到这一点。
So far the protests have remained mostly peaceful but clashes are occurring, tempers are fraying and hardliners on all sides are itching for a fight. 到目前为止抗议活动一直保持着大致的和平,但冲突正在发生,抗议者正在逐渐失去耐心,并且有的强硬派都在准备战斗。
Their message to the US Congress is that isolating Cuba is playing into the hands of hardliners. 他们传达给美国国会的信息是,孤立古巴是对强硬派有利的。
"We have a parliamentary election in2012 and hardliners want to win young people's votes in order to win the assembly vote," said an Iranian political analyst who asked not to be named. “我们在2012年将举行国会选举,强硬派想通过赢得年轻人的选票来提升自己的支持率,”一位不想透露姓名的伊朗政治分析人士说道。
In China it can be used to show hardliners that, slowly, progress is being made towards unification. 在大陆,它可以向强硬派们表示,大一统的进程正在慢慢地进行着。
He faces opposition from military hardliners. 他面对着来自军方强硬派的反对。
Who, save the hardliners there, would lose if the next US President restored diplomatic relations? 如果美国下届总统重新与伊朗恢复外交关系,除了那些强硬派之外,谁还将是失败者?
Added the senior eurozone official: They got quite positive feedback even from the so-called hardliners. 上述欧元区高级官员补充称:他们甚至从所谓的强硬派那里也得到了积极的反馈。
A complicated situation has been made worse by Eritrea, which supports Somalia's hardliners because they are killing Ethiopians, whom the Eritreans deem to be their enemy. 如此复杂的情形又因厄立特里亚的参与而更加恶化&厄立特里亚地区支持着索马里的强硬路线派,因为他们在杀害着与之有不共戴天之仇的埃塞俄比亚人。
Some hardliners in the west and in South Korea have called for China to put crippling economic pressure on the North. 西方和韩国的一些强硬派人士呼吁中国对朝鲜施加沉重的经济压力。
And just as, abroad, he lacks the power to reject Mr Bush's "help", so at home he is too weak to take on pro-Taliban hardliners in Pakistan's army. 对外而言,他没有底气拒绝布什的“帮助”,对内而言,他也同样无力应付巴基斯坦军队中强硬的亲塔利班势力。
However perhaps the time has come to move away from dynasties and choose a leader, not from the political hardliners but from the intelligent strategists. 然而现在也许到了该放弃从政治家族中选领导人的时候了,也不应从强硬派中选,最好选个有才的战略家。
But analysts fret that any outbreak of social unrest could provide an excuse for hardliners to retake power, through a constitutional provision that allows the army to declare a state of emergency. 但分析人士担心,一旦社会发生动乱,强硬派就可能以此为借口,依据宪法中军队有权宣布国家进入紧急状态的规定,重新攫取权力。
Party hardliners fear such moves would allow indirect participation by the PLO, which Israel considers a terrorist organization. 以色列强硬派人士害怕如此一来将会导致巴勒斯坦解放组织间接的参与。以色列视该组织为一恐怖组织。
Despite repeated calls for their arrest from hardliners, Mr Mousavi and his main ally, Mehdi Karroubi, a former speaker of parliament who also ran for president in June, remain at liberty. 尽管强硬派不断要求逮捕穆萨维和他的主要盟友、前国会发言人、去年6月总统候选人迈赫迪·卡鲁比,但两人至今仍在逃。