Influence of health education on nosocomial infection after children harelip suture 健康教育方式对小儿唇裂手术后院内感染的影响
A New Style Milk Bottle for Perioperative Feeding in Infants with Harelip 离乳汤匙奶瓶在唇裂患儿围术期喂养中的应用
A harelip is not a big defect, it can be remedied through an operation. 缺嘴并不是大缺陷,完全可以通过手术矫治。
He had a harelip in the past, but now his lips look normal after the operation. 他原来是个豁子,现在做了手术已经看不出来了。
Radiation: If the pregnant woman is exposed under radiation in the first trimester of pregnancy, the embryo has a chance to suffer harelip. 放射线:妊娠早期如果接触放射线,则有可能导致胎儿唇裂腭裂。
Li Yapeng, who is Faye Wong's husband, admitted that their daughter was born with harelip. 王菲的先生李亚鹏承认他们的女儿生来就得了兔唇。这话要怎么掰?
Blind love mistakes a harelip for a dimple. 盲目的爱情错把豁嘴当酒窝。
Those born with a harelip or buckteeth may not be able to speak clearly. 那些天生有唇裂或龅牙的人,也许会口齿不清。
Aren't you upset you were born as a harelip? 你会为生下来就是兔唇感到不安吗?
Epithesis of nasal deformity after prothesis of unilateral complete harelip with design of nasal subunits 鼻部亚单位设计综合矫正单侧完全性唇裂修复术后鼻畸形
Clinical utilization of functional repair of harelip 功能性唇裂修复术的临床应用
The rest were diagnosed respectively as harelip, spinal bifida and hernia of brin. In 14 congenital infected fetuses whose mothes were the other was harelip. 其余3例分别经胎儿镜确诊为唇裂、脊柱裂及脑疝。3·14例先天感染儿中畸胎2例,1例为小头畸形,另1例唇裂。
Textual Research on Hare lip Surgery in the History of Chinese Medicine Influence of health education on nosocomial infection after children harelip suture 中医兔唇修补术史考证健康教育方式对小儿唇裂手术后院内感染的影响
Method Three degree harelip patients were selected and the method of functional repair of harelip was used. 方法选择Ⅲ°唇裂患者,采用功能性唇裂修复术进行修复。
Application of Tight Closed Circuit System for Newborn and Infant Harelip and Cleft Palate Repairing 紧闭环路系统在新生儿和婴儿唇腭裂修复术麻醉中的应用
Objective To probe into influence of health education on nosocomial infection after children harelip suture. 目的探讨健康教育方式对预防唇裂手术患儿医院感染的影响。