What we call trade agreements are in fact deals on the protection of investment and on achieving regulatory harmonisation and establishment of standards in areas such as intellectual property. 我们所说的贸易协定实际上是关于保护投资、以及在诸如知识产权等领域实现监管协调和建立标准的协定。
Currency is a sensitive issue, as are other areas of negotiation, such as intellectual property rights and harmonisation of health standards. 汇率是一个敏感问题,就像谈判中的其他领域一样,例如知识产权和统一健康标准问题。
Things are different when we start talking about regulatory harmonisation. 当我们开始讨论监管协调时,情况就不一样了。
For example, regulatory harmonisation looks unachievable far better to aim for mutual recognition. 例如,各国监管的协调一致看上去难以实现那还不如以相互承认为目标。
The second would be limited measures of tax co-ordination, aiming not at full tax harmonisation ( neither feasible nor necessary) but at enabling member states to retain tax sovereignty by acting together on parts of it. 其次是采取有限的税收协调措施,目的不在于实现完全的税收一致(这既不可行也没有必要),而是让欧盟成员国能够通过保留税收主权来共同协调部分税收措施。
I am not advocating overall tax harmonisation. 我并不支持全面的税收协调。
There is always some spurious rationale for the edicts harmonisation, protecting consumers, preventing abuses and so forth. 这些法规总是基于一些虚假的理由,例如协调一致、保护消费者、防止滥用等等。
But just talking about tax harmonisation brings some finance ministers out in a rash. 但仅仅是讨论税收协调就使得某些财政部长急得团团转。
Reducing the tax deductibility of debt interest ( TDI) lacks populist appeal, raises complex issues, could be implemented only gradually and would face huge obstacles even in the case of a big economy with little international harmonisation. 下调债务利息税务可扣除额(tdi)缺乏民粹主义魅力、会招致复杂的问题、只能逐步推行,并且,即使是在一个不太与国际同步的大型经济体中,也会面临巨大的阻碍。
Its response must be consistent with efforts to upgrade a deeply challenged infrastructure for cross-border harmonisation of regulation and bank capital. 它的措施必须与升级遭到严重挑战的结构、跨境协调监管和银行资本的努力相一致。
The banking union needs to be backed by a harmonisation of commercial and labour laws as they apply to banks – or better still, it should take the banks completely out of national jurisdiction. 商业法和劳动法应用于银行时就需要协调统一,这是银行业联盟的支柱。如果银行业联盟完全将银行带出国家司法管辖范围之外,那就更好了。
Some governments, such as France, have been advancing the case for corporation tax harmonisation. 有些国家(例如法国)的政府,一直在推进统一公司税。
More tax harmonisation, or industrial policy co-operation, may solve their problem, but not those of a eurozone torn by internal imbalances. 提高税收一体化程度,或是产业政策合作,也许能解决德法两国的问题,但对于深受内部失衡折磨的欧元区的问题于事无补。
The third part of this new initiative would involve the harmonisation and expansion of preferences for the least developed countries in the world. 这一新举措的第三部分,将涉及协调和扩大全球最欠发达国家的贸易优惠措施。
Uniform interpretation of claims is a desirable part of patent harmonisation; 专利协调希望对权利要求的解释要一致;
In so far as there is talk about "tax harmonisation" between the two, it is almost entirely a matter of the French looking to Germany, even if only for credibility to impose reforms on France. 至于两国间谈到的“税收和谐”问题,这完完全全是法国在仰望德国,即使仅为要求法国改革找个适当的理由。
In addition, there are a number of conflicting rules between US, EU and other parties 'preference programmes that harmonisation could eliminate. 此外,在美国、欧盟及其它国家的贸易优惠计划之间,存在大量相互冲突的规定,从而可能抹杀这些优惠措施的协调性。
And he wants fiscal harmonisation across the euro zone. 而且他希望整个欧元区的财政和谐。
In Europe, Google is facing a different set of copyright laws in each country, with little harmonisation at EU level. 在欧洲,谷歌在每个国家面临的版权法都各不相同,在欧盟层面也没有统一的标准。
The third of these ideas, the need for harmonisation between regulatory regimes is self-evidently a good idea. The point that got the CME conference buzzing, however, is the call for limits. 有必要协调监管制度的第三点是一个好主意,这一点不证自明。在CME会议上引起热议的是呼吁实施价格限制。
These include effective monetary policy, financial regulation, tax harmonisation and enforcement, fiscal policy co-ordination and physical infrastructure. 这些公共品包括有效的货币政策、金融监管、税收协调和执行、财政政策协作以及实体基础设施建设。
EU-wide harmonisation in the context of accessibility processes and price policies will reduce delays in the availability of orphan drugs. 全欧盟范围内统一的无障碍进程和价格政策将减少延误可用性孤儿药。
This approach has long been favoured by the Commission but rejected by member states, which fear it would require harmonisation of VAT rates. 长期以来,这种方法一直受到欧盟委员会的青睐,却遭到成员国的抵制,它们担心这会要求统一增值税税率。
When we looked at accounting standards development, we found that the process is going on to meet international harmonisation. 当我们审查会计标准发展的时候,我们发现程序正在继续遇见国际的调和化。
So we have to work on the issue of harmonisation. 因此,我们得解决协调一致的问题。
Labour standards, healthcare, product regulation, harmonisation of tax systems, co-ordination of transport networks, climate change we all understand that our interconnectedness requires effective multilateral action to address these challenges. 劳工标准、医疗保健、产品监管、统一税收体系、运输网络的协调以及气候变化我们都清楚,我们之间的相互联接需要有效的多边行动来应对这些挑战。
We have great difficulty getting harmonisation of regulations among our 27 member states. 我们在让27个成员国取得监管协调方面遇到了极大的难度。
As national reform efforts stall, international harmonisation remains a pipe dream. 随着每个国家的改革努力陷入停滞,国际协同仍然是一个白日梦。
In other words, the harmonisation and expansion of the preference programmes could eliminate rich world barriers to poor countries 'agricultural goods and provide assistance in other ways that would offset any continuing impact of rich world subsidies. 换言之,协调和扩大贸易优惠计划,可能消除富裕世界针对贫穷国家农产品的壁垒,并以其它方式提供帮助,抵消富裕世界补贴所产生的任何持续影响。