However, the harpist fairy was scared stiff and stood there. 正弹着竖琴的仙子被吓坏了,她呆立在那里,不知道如何是好。
His influence remains inescapable to this day& it's unlikely that a blues harpist exists on the face of this earth who doesn't worship little walter. 他在布鲁斯世界中的影响至今仍在,这个星球上的几乎每个口琴手都还在崇拜着小沃尔特。
The more mellifluous the singer, the more dexterous the harpist, the more mates he attracts. 歌手唱地越动听,竖琴手弹地越灵巧,他吸引到越多的配偶。