拨弦古钢琴;大键琴 A harpsichord is an old-fashioned musical instrument rather like a small piano. When you press the keys, the strings are pulled, rather than being hit by hammers as in a piano.
The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use, but the character of the tone could not be varied save by mechanical or structural devices. 人们最喜欢用具备明快有力音调的拨弦古钢琴来配合当时小型管弦乐团的低音乐器以及在演奏会上演奏。但它的音调难以变化,除非使用机械或构件装置。
In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century. 17世纪时风琴、敲弦琴和拨弦琴成为键盘乐器类的主要成员。这种至高无上的地位一直为它们所保持,直到18世纪末期钢琴将它们取代。
The man was not wholly evil; he loved flowers ( I have been told) and sweet music ( he was himself no mean performer on the harpsichord); and, let it be frankly admitted, the idyllic nature of the scene stirred him profoundly. 这个人并不是坏到家了:他爱花(我听说),爱美妙的音乐(他自己弹竖琴弹得不坏);我们得坦白地承认,眼前这幅动人的景象深深地感动了他。
The piano was perfected in the early eighteen century by a harpsichord maker in Italy. 钢琴的完善和制成在18世纪早期由意大利一位伟大的键琴制作者。
The concerto is well suited throughout to showing off the qualities of a fine harpsichord and the virtuosity of its player, especially in the lengthy solo'cadenza'to the first movement. 这部协奏曲通篇都在展示羽管键琴和演奏者的技巧,特别是第一乐章繁长的独奏华彩段。
I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it. 我会弹奏大键琴,同样地,我也会给大键琴调音。
Forkel, one of Bach's earliest biographers, tells us that Bach himself was not too happy whenever he had to perform particularly his polyphonic pieces on the harpsichord. 据巴赫最早的传记作者Forkel说,巴赫很不情愿在羽管键琴上演奏自己的复调作品。
By a harpsichord maker in Italy. create or manufacture a man-made product. 由意大利一位伟大的键琴制作者.制作或者加工人工制品。
After playing a little on the harpsichord, he asked for a theme. 贝多芬在大键琴上演奏了一会儿后,向莫扎特要了个主旋律。
A legless rectangular harpsichord; played ( usually by women) in the 16th and 17th centuries. 无腿方形的大键琴;在、世纪通常由女性演奏。
Jenny was a harpsichord soloist. 詹妮是弦管键琴独奏家。
Can we dance to the harpsichord? 我们能在钢琴声中跳舞吗?
The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century by a harpsichord maker in italy. 18世纪早期的意大利,钢琴在一位拨琴钢琴制造者手中得到完善。
Mari Hwang studies piano, harpsichord and conducting at the conservatory. 玛丽。王在曼哈顿音乐学院学习钢琴、羽管键琴以及指挥。
By the time he was14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. 到他14岁的时候,莫扎特就不仅为管弦乐队,还为大键琴,钢琴和小提琴创作了许多首曲子。
It was almost a capital offence to play Bach on a modern grand piano instead of a harpsichord. 另一倍受关注的是演奏巴哈要以现代钢琴取代大键琴的争议。
At the same time, his Harpsichord music reflects the worldly life too. 同时,他的古钢琴音乐也是反映世俗生活的窗口,某些古钢琴作品为我们展示了一幅幅轻松愉快的世俗生活画卷。
His Harpsichord music is an important field and attracts many piano players. 巴赫的古钢琴音乐是他一生音乐创作的重要领域,历来吸引着众多的钢琴理论家、演奏家孜孜不倦地探索、钻研。
Bach's Harpsichord music is deeply affected by his organ music, so some Preludes, Fugues and the Sarabande in his Suites are filled with solemn religion spirit. 巴赫的古钢琴音乐深受其管风琴音乐的影响,某些前奏曲与赋格、组曲中的萨拉班德舞曲常常充满了庄重深刻的宗教精神。