n. (回锅)肉丁土豆; (尤指电话上的)#号 v. 反复推敲; 仔细考虑; 把……弄糟(乱); 斩碎; 斩(肉); 剁(肉); 细切(肉) hash的第三人称单数和复数
This is because although completely different hashes are returned for the same string, it just becomes a matter of time before keys are linked to hashes. 这是因为尽管从不同的散列中获得同一个字符串的返回值,但是将关键字链接到散列上也只是时间的问题。
Tied hashes are easier to write than tied arrays, and more useful. 绑定的散列比绑定的数组更易于编写,而且更有用。
Given the first six fields, a minter must try many sequential suffix values to produce a stamp that hashes with the desired number of leading zeros. 假定给出了前6个域,为了生成一个通过期望数目的前导零进行散列的的戳记,minter必须尝试很多连续的后缀值。
You're perhaps already familiar with how you can use URLs with hashes("#") in them to link to a particular section of an HTML document. 您可能已经了解如何使用URL和散列(“”)来链接HTML文档中的某个特定部分。
Gperf hashes a predefined set of keywords, then quickly performs lookups for these same keywords. Gperf混编了一组预定义的关键字,然后对这些关键字执行快速查找。
If different views can be provided for hashes, arrays, and scalars, why stop there? 要为哈希表、数组和标量都提供视图多好呀,为什么不呢?
In a bit-vector pushdown, for each push-down, the database server hashes the keys from the dimension table to create a bit vector, which is shipped to the fact table. 在位向量下推中,对于每次下推,数据库服务器通过散列维度表中的键来创建发送至事实表的位向量。
The module maintains two hashes internally, and automatically creates a reverse mapping in the second one when the first one gets data. 该模块在内部维护两个散列,并在第一个散列获得数据时自动在第二个散列中创建反向映射。
The fact that a hash can have attributes that are also hashes should be no surprise. 事实上,hash可以拥有hash属性,这并不奇怪。
If the hashes are the same, the blocks are properly replicated. 如果散列值是相同的,数据块已经被正确的复制了。
Let's look at the three main types of tied variables: scalars, arrays, and hashes. 让我们来研究三类主要的绑定变量:标量、数组和散列。
As mentioned earlier, messages and certificates make use of cryptographic hashes to verify integrity. 正如前面所提到的那样,消息和证书使用加密哈希来验证完整性。
Sorting allows you to control how records are returned from the database and expects an array of { column=> direction} hashes. sorting让您可以控制如何从数据库中返回记录,并期望得到一个{column=>direction}散列数组。
Therefore, Samba must keep a separate password database for the Microsoft hashes; this is referred to as the password back end. 因此,Samba必须为Microsoft哈希保留单独的密码数据库;这就被称为密码后台。
When hashes are identical, the next step is a comparison of the actual objects ( in this case, a memory comparison) to formally determine whether the objects are identical. 当散列值一致时,下一步是进行一个实际对象比较(本例中是一个内存比较),以便正式确定这些对象是否一致。
As more and more complex keys are matched to hashes, the likelihood of coming up with a match for any given password increases. 随着越来越复杂的关键字被匹配到散列上,匹配到已知密码上的可能性增加了。
The other argument mitigating the potential severity of this attack is actually derived from the use of hashes. 减小这种攻击的潜在严重性的另一个争论实际上源于散列的使用。
And for generating encrypted hashes of the mouse-click times, you'll need the mkpasswd program. 并且为了生成鼠标单击次数的加密散列,您需要mkpasswd程序。
Avoid subscripting arrays or hashes within loops. 避免在循环中使用下标数组或散列。
The important thing is how hashes work and how to tune them for maximum performance benefit. 重要的是知道哈希如何工作并如何去调整它们以便获取最大的性能。
These are common hashes that are used to verify the integrity and authenticity of files. 这些都是常见的、用来验证完整性和真实性的哈希值。
Once a hash is generated you can copy it to the clipboard, or automatically compare hashes to make sure your file is intact. 一旦你生成一个散列可以将它复制到剪贴板,或自动比较杂凑,以确保您的文件是完整的。
In our bank transfer example, assume we use a primitive Mac that hashes the request along with a secret key. 在银行划拨范例中,假设我们使用了一种随秘钥杂凑请求的原始mac。
It hashes ( converts) a number in a large range into a number in a smaller range. 它把一个大范围的数字哈希(转化)成一个小范围的数字。
Hashes are statistically unique; a different two-byte sequence will not hash to the same value. 哈希在统计上是唯一的;不同的双字节序列不会哈希为同一个值。
In both dates and geography he pretty well hashes the history of the company. 他把这家公司历史上的日期和地理位置完全搞乱了。
The YAML files are parsed into PHP hashes and arrays, and then the values are used in various parts of the application to modify the behavior of the view, the controller, or the model. 这个YAML文件被解析成PHP的哈希和数组,然后值在应用程序的各个部分用于修改的视图,控制器,或模型的行为。
Beyond the basic storage of data, hashes are also important in distributed systems. 除了用于基本的数据存储,哈希对分布式系统也很重要。
The two areas where Shiro really focuses its cryptography support is in the areas of cryptographic hashes ( aka message digests) and cryptographic ciphers. 对于加密支持,Shiro真正关注的两个领域是加密哈希(又名消息摘要)和加密密码。