And Zur Hausen, who in1984 discovered two types of cancer-causing human papillomavirus, was awarded the rest of the prize money. 而1984年发现了两种致癌性人乳头瘤病毒的楚尔-豪森,赢得了另外一半奖金。
Zur Hausen, 72, was honored for his discovery of "human papilloma viruses ( HPV) causing cervical cancer," the second most common cancer among women. 论豪森,72,感到非常荣幸,他发现了“人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)的导致子宫颈癌,”第二个最常见的癌症妇女。
"At this stage cost is the major impediment, but with [ improved financial mechanisms] I think this will change and a global vaccination programme will be in place," said zur Hausen. “在这个阶段,成本是主要的障碍,但是凭借[改进的财政机制]我认为这将会改变,而全球免疫接种项目将会实现。”ZurHausen说。