Countries overwhelmed by the human tide of refugees want safe havens set up at once. 那些不堪难民潮困扰的国家希望马上建立安全区。
Of course, our efforts must also address terrorist safe havens in Pakistan. 当然,我们的努力还必须涉及巴基斯坦的恐怖份子避风港。
The crisis only accelerated this shift, since money funds were seen as one of few havens. 这场危机加快了这个趋势,因为货币基金被认为是聊聊几个安全地带之一。
Moreover, educational institutions need to be preserved as safe havens free from both political and economic power. 此外,教育机构需要继续被人当成免受政治和经济势力影响的避风港。
Mr Brown wants a crackdown on tax havens and a global deal to curb bankers 'pay. 布朗希望制裁避税天堂,并就限制银行家薪酬达成全球协议。
A little further are serene bays that are havens for windsurfers and sailors. 前面不远,有平静的海湾,是风帆冲浪运动员和水手的避风港。
Other currencies are not safe havens either. 其它货币同样不是安全港。
Sanctions could be imposed on tax havens that refused co-operation. 对于拒绝合作的避税港,可对其予以制裁。
Investors rushed into havens, including US Treasuries and German government bonds. 投资者大举涌入美国国债和德国国债等安全港。
Almost every field of China'S outward-looking economy has links to the tax havens; 开放条件下的中国经济几乎每一个方面都和“避税天堂”有着联系;
Tax havens have proliferated even as the politicians have occasionally railed against them. 即使偶尔受到政客的抨击,避税天堂仍然得以迅速发展。
Not surprisingly then, funds of hedge funds haven't been the safe havens they're imagined to be. 因此,对冲基金的基金未能成为人们想象中的避风港,这并不令人惊讶。
There is also the risk that depositors will shift their funds from banks in weak countries to safer havens. 存款人也同样面临危机,他们将在实力薄弱的国家的银行存款转入更安全的地方。
They wanted to provide safe havens for the refugees. 他们想为难民提供安全的避难场所。
Transactions with tax havens and tax avoidance or evasion schemes involving tax havens are identified. 与避税港的交易以及涉及避税港的偷逃税计划可以确认;
Tax havens worldwide have come under fire from regulators this year over their tax and secrecy laws. 今年,全球各避税天堂的税收和保密法规成为监管部门的攻击目标。
And many still collect taxes on corporate income earned in tax havens. 许多国家还对企业在避税天堂的收入征税。
A crackdown on a few tax havens, just decided by the G20, is important. 20刚刚做出的打击少数避税天堂的决定十分重要。
Most member states chose to exchange information; most European tax havens went for the withholding tax. 大多数欧盟成员国选择交换情况;而大部分欧洲避税港选择扣除预扣税款。
Existence of transactions involving tax havens; 存在涉及避税港的交易;
Some lawmakers expressed frustration about continued terrorist safe havens in Pakistan that are undermining NATO efforts in Afghanistan. 一些议员对巴基斯坦继续成为恐怖分子的安全藏身处而破坏北约在阿富汗的工作感到挫折。
Please check our prices and the list of Tax Havens to setup a company. 请检查我们的价格和税收避风港名单设置的公司。
The world economy is rife with lawlessness and recklessness, with tax havens and regulation-free zones catering to the avarice of globally mobile capital. 世界经济充满了违法和草率的行为,众多避税天堂和不受监管的地区迎合了全球流动资本的贪欲。
Havens in the Gulf and offshore lack the critical mass to become global financial capitals. 海湾地区和离岸的避税天堂,缺乏成为全球金融中心的关键品质。
China's new law could also make life more complicated for investors based in tax havens that do not have double tax agreements with China. 一些投资者所在的避税天堂没有和中国签署避免双重征税协议(DTA),对这些投资者来说,中国的新税法可能也让他们的生活更加复杂了。
As this issue has moved up policymakers'agendas, some havens have voluntarily become more co-operative. 当这个议题提上决策者的议程,一些避税区已经自愿地变得更加合作。
Only three countries Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco remain on the OECD list of "unco-operative" tax havens. 只有三个国家(安道尔、列支敦士登和摩纳哥)仍在经合组织“不合作”避税天堂的名单之列。
I note with consternation Europeans 'obsession with regulating hedge funds and tax havens. 我惊愕地注意到,欧洲方面对于监管对冲基金和避税港颇为迷恋。
Tax havens are used by 98 of the FTSE 100 companies, according to Action Aid. 据ActionAid统计,富时100指数(FTSE100)成份股企业中,有98家使用避税港。