N-COUNT 街头小贩;上门推销员 You can use hawker to refer to a person who tries to sell things by calling at people's homes or standing in the street, especially when you do not approve of this activity.
...as soon as she saw that it was a visitor and not a hawker or tramp at her door. 她一看到门口站着的是位访客而不是街头小贩或流浪汉…
She would oftentimes wear wrinkled baggy pajamas and bargain heatedly with hawkers in the market with such a loud voice that everyone could hear. 她经常穿着皱巴巴、松垮垮的睡衣,在菜市场和小贩讨价还价,大嗓门能惊动整条大街。
Chengguan, an urban control force charged with keeping the peace, ridding China's cities of illegal street hawkers and unlicensed taxi cabs, and checking permits. 城管,一股控制管理城市的力量,负责维护社会的和谐安定,检查核对执照,查处流落在城市中的非法街头小贩以及无照出租汽车。
The popularity of these nightly bazaars even prompted the bureau to come up with an app in which players can be virtual street hawkers in the markets. 由于这些夜间市集的人气高涨,台湾观光局还推出了一个应用,让用户可以成为这些市场的虚拟小贩。
Hawkers plied up and down the platform. 霍克斯不停地在站台上来回踱步。
But queues of citizens will still be trundled in, as at Jiuzhaigou, to tread the boardwalks and purchase tchotchkes from costumed hawkers at the end of the bus route. 但是,象在九寨沟一样,成群结队的市民仍然会涌进景区,踩着木板栈道,在巴士路线的终点盛装的小贩那里买上廉价艳丽的小饰物。
Eastern District Licensed Hawkers Fraternal Association 北角区持牌小贩联谊会
Kinshasa, desperately poor with its streets full of hawkers and smell of diesel and sewage, is alien, but Gracia has got to stay. 在极度贫困的金沙萨,在这个大街小巷充斥着小贩、柴油味和污水味的陌生城市,加西亚必须留下。
As the police approached, the hawkers rolled their goods in a blanket and ran into the crowd. 警察来了,小贩们用毯子卷起他们的商品钻进人群。
The station's buffet: People were in a hurry to get on the train, and hawkers hawked as hard as they could, pushing the "buffet car" back and forth to catch passengers who needed some food or drink. 《站内的小卖摊》上车的人匆匆忙忙,小贩也在使劲地吆喝着,推着车来回地搜寻着有需要的乘客。
When night falls, the whole city, which was quiet during the daytime, suddenly turns into a bustling one with food stalls and hawkers selling all kinds of foods. 夜幕降临后,原本很安静的城市马上变成了另一番景象,食品摊上的叫卖声、吆喝声此起彼伏,小贩们正忙着出售各种食物。
Note: areas usually with conglomeration of illegal hawkers according to observation. 注:根据观察发现经常有无牌小贩聚集的地方。
Regulators have been cooling off the squabble since Sunday, assuring the anxious broth hawkers that their recipes need not be unveiled for public viewing, the China Daily said. 《中国日报》报道说,监管机构自上周日开始便一直在平息这场争论,并向这些担心火锅底料配方揭露的老板们保证说,他们的配方不必向大众公开。
In the noisy basement, hawkers of leather goods buttonhole passing foreigners, cajoling until all hope of a sale is lost. 在嘈杂的大厅,皮具小贩强拉住过往的外国人,巧舌如簧,除非他们做生意的希望彻底落空。
Under my window a beggar has just struck up a song and is almost drowned out by the cries of the hawkers. 在我的窗户下,一个乞丐弹起一首歌曲,歌声几乎被叫卖小贩给淹没了。
The usual motley crowd of tourists, hawkers and pigeons 一群像往常一样杂乱的游客、小贩、鸽子
Cars run to and fro, and hawkers hawk along them all day long. 汽车来来往往,小贩整天沿街叫卖。
It doesn't help that today is a Sunday, so the usual bustle of hawkers, pedestrians and cars that enliven the empty drabness are missing. 虽然我们来的这天是星期天,可往常小贩的叫卖声,行人和汽车,这些让空寂的街道充满活力的嘈杂声,通通消失了。
Where necessary, hawker-handling centres are set up in police stations to facilitate charging formalities of arrested hawkers. 如有需要,警署内会设立小贩处理中心,方便办理检控被捕小贩的手续。
Do not patronize illegal food hawkers; 不要光顾无牌食物档;
Right after the concert, hawkers already took the opportunity, busy selling the concert photos, HK$ 60 per set of big and small pictures. 散场后,已经有投机小贩热闹叫卖,大小照片一套六十元。
Initially he sold toys worth 1,000 lira ( then about$ 1) to street hawkers. 起初,他以每个1000里拉(当时约合1美元)的价格,向街头小贩出售玩具。
During the Shanghai Expo, hawkers have been forced out of public areas and into covered markets. 在上海世博会期间,小贩被要求禁止在露天售卖,而在封闭的集贸市场里贩卖商品。
Along the path by the boating lake there are puppet shows, clowns and stilt walkers, and hawkers selling anything from Indian cotton skirts to batteries. 沿着泛舟的湖边小路,木偶戏、小丑和踩高跷的表演应有尽有,小贩们高声叫卖着,从印度布裙到电池,五花八门。
Dad met us at the gangplank and guided us through the swarms of hawkers and children begging for coins with outstretched hands. 爸爸在跳板上遇到我们,并带我们穿过那群叫卖的小贩和伸手讨钱的儿童乞丐。