Headman ( Leadhand), Squad Leader, Group Leader. 组长,小队长,小组长。
Until then, you are permitted to live as a guest in the headman's house and come and go as you please. 在那之前,他允许你作为客人住在村长家里,出入自由,但是不得离开村庄。
Then the Headman called the People-far and near they came in flocks. 头人召唤众人&远近人群聚于一处;
The Headman System of the Ladhulsi: The Tradition and Change under the Effect of the State 拉祜西头人制度:传统与国家力量影响下的变迁
While in vast rural areas, the British colonist then preserved the dispute-settlement mechanism with intermediation as the core. Meanwhile, on the base of former dispute-settlement mechanism, the judicature function of village headman and district headman was enlarged. 而在广大的乡村地区,英国殖民者则保留了那里的以调解为核心的纠纷解决机制,在既有的基础上发扬了村董和总董的司法功能。
After the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Tusi ( Headman) system and feudal system developed so powerfully that the governmental orders could not be performed, which is a serious threat to the administration over southwest frontier. 经过明、清两代,土司制度逐渐发展强大;在封建割据下,朝廷政令不畅,严重威胁着中央政府对西南边疆的统治。